public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags google & flickr


Greasemonkey comes to Chrome - get your userscripts ready!

Chrome has a secret weapon. His name is Aaron Boodman, and he created Greasemonkey. He now works on the Chrome Extensions team at Google. Even though Greasemonkey on Chrome isn't yet as mature as the Firefox version -- 15-25% of scripts might not work on Chrome yet -- it will definitely get there with Boodman's help. If you need some scripts to get you started, you can scope out Download Squad's 10 Greasemonkey Scripts You Shouldn't Browse Without, or peruse the large selection at

Snaptrip on Flickr - Application Sharing!

snaptrip is a utility for better connecting Dopplr's past trips and your Flickr photos and sets.


Picasa 3 ___est en train de devenir l'outil photo simple, pratique et gratuit que l'utilisateur lambda attendait.____Y'a pas que Chrome dans la vie

Google vient en effet d'ajouter à son outil de publication et de retouche de photos , la fonction Explorer (Découverte en français). Celle-ci permet désormais de visualiser de manière beaucoup plus pratique les albums des autres utilisateurs, ce qui, jusqu'à présent, relevait du parcours du combattant. En mettant en place cette fonction, Picasa remédie ainsi à une grosse lacune de ses versions précédentes, qui empêchait encore de nombreux photographes amateurs de changer définitivement de système de publication. Car pour bénéficier du point fort de Picasa, c'est à dire le nombre illimité de photos en ligne (Flickr est limité à 200 clichés à moins qu'on souscrive un abonnement Pro), il fallait accepter un quasi-anonymat dû à la médiocrité des fonctions "réseau social" de l'outil. Avec des tags et le légendage élaboré, une géolocalisation à base de Google Maps, un système d'upload par (G)mail et un synchronisme automatique avec Blogger,

Flickr: Discussing GM Script: Flickramio in Flickr Hacks

his script put 2 google earth map's next to the photo if the image is geotagged, just like Panoramio.


Imagery__Métamoteur de recherche d'images___Utilise Google, Yahoo, Flickr et Stock

by 13 others
Améliore fortement l'expérience utilisateur grâce à des fonctionnalités variées et originales dont voici les principales :IUn excellent service Ne fonctionne pas (encore) avec Internet Explorer. Utilise les résultats de Google, Yahoo, Flickr et St


worldinpictures.org____Flickr geotagging application

by 1 other
allows you to view photos taken at any worldwide location. When you enter a location above, this is converted into a latitude/longitude pair which is used to look up "geotagged" photos on the photo sharing site Flickr. If you want your own pictures to app

BlockRocker > GeoTag Your Photos ____Flickr API Services (-)

GeoTag Your Photos You need to sign into Flickr and give permission to add Tags to your photos.

Gmail, Picasa and Flickr (-)

by 7 others
To avoid the clunky "export resized and upload to Flickr from Windows Explorer folder" routine, Jim suggests simply emailing photos to Flickr directly from Picasa, which will resize and send for you. Genius!

Flickr: - All Our Flickr Photos on Google Maps! - GeoTagging Flickr (-) - All Our Flickr Photos on Google Maps! view profile aemkei Pro User [ FS FI INT ] says: After the great feedback on the Localize Bookmarklet I got the next secret something for you guys: A tool to browse the world of Flickr photos! Here you – Explore your world through everyone's eyes ___Bookmarklet Flickr extention

by 1 other
A smart way to browse and locate Flickr images on large map of the world. Filter photos by selecting a specific tag or searching for your buddy's user name. All navigation is done without any page refresh. An app that may save your boring afternoons. pro

Living with web-based software

Living with web-based software writely.jpg by Tim Grahl More and more web applications offer the features and functionality of desktop software every day. Over the past several months, I've been moving my work to Web-based software applications as

Flickr: Picasa 2.5.0 - I used Picasa!

Picasa 2.5.0 view profile barneykin Pro User [ FS FI INT ] says: A Humble Cot I sit beside a humble cot .. The Netherlands 4 August 2006 ~ Here I am experimenting with the new Picasa Web Albums. I upgraded my Picasa 2 to Picasa Web Albums 2.5 beta (here's

Google's Picasa takes on Yahoo!'s Flickr___PC Pro: News:

Google's Picasa takes on Yahoo!'s Flickr 10:37AM Google is updating its Picasa online photo management service to include 'web albums'. The new features will enable users to share their pictures with other people on the Internet. The new functions bring P

Flyr Pool 0.3 - insert a google map_6V8 - Production of my Mind____Flickr

Here is a Greasemonkey script to insert a google map _ (generated by Flyr) directly on the Flickr pages with multiple photos that contains geotags.

Geotagging Flickr photos with Google Earth

by 2 others
or those interested in geotagging via Google Earth I've writen a web app to do this.

nextplease___Firefox extension: -

by 1 other
NextPlease! is a Firefox extension that allows you to assign keyboard shortcuts to jump to next and previous links on search results pages, like Google, Yahoo, Ebay, Amazon, and many other sites. So install it, and let me know what you think. Features * H


Flickr group search with

Adds a Google group search. The default search is baaad. Google Maps in Flickr

There's an easy way to see your geotagged photos on Gmap without leaving flickr. Just install the greasemonkey script to your firefox and see your photos shown on map right away. There will be a button added at the right-most of button bar if the photo is

GMiF - (Google Maps in Flickr) Flickr Contacts_+_LfVr -(a Lightweight flickr )ViewerYuan.CC Web Experiments

by 7 others
There's an easy way to see your geotagged photos on Gmap without leaving flickr. Just install the greasemonkey script to your firefox and see your photos shown on map right away. There will be a button added at the right-most of button bar if the photo is

Nybble Labs » GooFD

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GooFD is a small script that will add Flickr photos and links into your Google results.