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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag custom


🛠 VLC - INSTRUCTION fichier LUA - VIDEO PLAY / DOWNLOAD - Dailymotion URL parser -

To install, download the dailymotion.lua file and place it in the following directory, depending on your operating system: - on Windows: C:Users(your username)AppDataRoamingvlcluaplaylist - on macOS: /Users/(your username)/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/playlist/ - on Linux: ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/playlist/ Note that you may have to create some directories in the path if they don’t exist.


VIDEO - ONLINE TOOL - Custom Video Player

Custom Video Player (version 1.6): a better way to add video to your site. Enter your details below to generate your custom video embed code. For more information on each field, simply hover the mouse over the field icon.


FIR 57 - MY CustomCSS (userChrome.css ) - General discussions, feedback, questions belong here (v3) · Issue #88 · Aris-t2/CustomCSSforFx · GitHub

/* * Edit this file and copy it as userChrome.css into your ff profile */ /* Show TAB favicon only on selected tab */ #feed-button { display: none !important } #urlbar[level] .autocomplete-textbox-container >* { background-color: #FFFFB7 !important; } .autocomplete-history-dropmarker { display: none !important; } /* Hide Tabbar close Button */ /* tabbrowser .tabs-closebutton-box { display: none; } */ /* PERSONAL TOOLBAR */ /* * Note: Rules affecting icons on the PT do not apply to folder contents. * Those are governed by "Bookmarks menu" rules. * Taken from: */ /* Kill FOLDER / bookmark icons in the Personal Toolbar */ toolbarbutton.bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-icon { display: none; } /* BOOKMARKS MENU */ /* OK - kill icons for bookmark groups in Bookmarks menu */ menuitem.bookmark-group > .menu-iconic-left { display: none; } /*hide noscript icon in contextual menu*/ .menu-iconic[id*="noscript-"] > .menu-iconic-left .menu-iconic[class*="noscript-"] > .menu-iconic-left .menuitem-iconic[class*="noscript-"] > .menu-iconic-left { visibility: hidden !important; } /* TABS */ .tabbrowser-tab[selected="true"] { border: none !important; font-family: "pragmata" !important; border-radius: 0 !important; padding-left: 5px !important; padding-right: 5px !important; background: red !important; } .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected="true"]) { border: none !important; font-family: "pragmata" !important; background: #222 !important; border-radius: 0 !important; padding-left: 5px !important; padding-right: 5px !important; } { -moz-appearance: none !important; } #content browser{margin-right:-16px!important;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;} .appmenu-button-container { background: #303030 !important; } #navigator-toolbox #TabsToolbar, { background: #303030 !important; } #appmenu-toolbar-button, .tabbrowser-tab { font: 10pt "pragmata" !important; background-color: #303030 !important; text-shadow: none !important; color: #676767 !important; } #urlbar { height: 22px; } .appmenu-toolbar-button { background: #303030 !important; color: #676767 !important; text-align: left !important; margin: 0 3px 0 0px !important; padding: 0 0 0 0 !important; } .toolbarbutton-menu-dropmarker { display: none !important; } #navigator-toolbox #TabsToolbar { background: #303030 !important; padding: 0px 0px !important; height: 20px !important; } .tabbrowser-tab { text-align: center !important; color: #676767 !important; background: #303030 !important; margin: -2px 0px 0px 0px !important; padding: 0px 2px 0px 4px !important; border: 0 !important; border-left: 0px solid #676767 !important; border-right: 0px solid #676767 !important; border-radius: 0px !important; } .tabbrowser-tab[selected="true"] { /*background: #202020 !important;*/ background: red !important; border-left: 0px solid #676767 !important; border-right: 0px solid #676767 !important; padding: 0px 2px 0px 3px !important; color: #ababab !important; }

FIR 57 (UserCSS + about:config) - Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox 57+ - GitHub - Aris-t2/CustomCSSforFx:

'about:config' tweaks (To revert changes right-click entry and select 'reset'): - Tab audio icon browser.tabs.showAudioPlayingIcon - Insert related tab after current tab (suggestion: enable / set to 'true') browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent - Titlebar browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar - Searchbar: open search results in new tab - Reader mode reader.parse-on-load.enabled - Geolocation (suggestion: disable / set to 'false') geo.enabled - Pocket (suggestion: disable / set to 'false') extensions.pocket.enabled - Anti fingerprinting (Caution: browser might behave in unforseen ways!) privacy.resistFingerprinting read: Fingerprinting info at Mozilla Wiki tweaks ***** Suggested ui tweaks ***** - Toolbar modes (suggestion: compact mode) Customize mode > Density > Compact / Normal / Touch - Titlebar modes (suggestion: Firefox titlebar ['application/hamburger button in titlebar' only works in Firefox titlebar]) Customize mode > Title Bar > uncheck checkbox Drag space above tabs toolbar (suggestion: disable drag space ['application/hamburger button in titlebar' works best without drag space]) Customize mode > Drag Space > uncheck checkbox Bookmarks menu button on bookmarks toolbar Customize mode > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar Customize mode > move 'bookmarks menu' button to bookmark toolbars end Downloads button always visible Customize mode > downloads button > click on button and uncheck 'Auto-hide' Searchbar (suggestion: placed after location bar) Customize mode > Search(bar) > move to navigation toolbar Flexible spaces (suggestion: remove spaces after and before location bar) Customize mode > grab and drag flexible space into palette


GM - MPIV (Mouseuver Popup Image Viewer) : Host Rules How-To

You can make MPIV work with more sites by adding your own host rules. You don't need to edit the source code for this. Instead, you paste the rule into MPIV's settings dialog which is accessible from your script manager's toolbar icon menu, e g. "User Script Commands" → "Set up Mouseover Popup Image Viewer" for Greasemonkey users.


Specifications - OpenSearch/1.1/Draft 3 - OpenSearch

Ce document définit le document de description OpenSearch, l'élément Query OpenSearch, la syntaxe du modèle OpenSearch URL, et les éléments de réponse OpenSearch. Collectivement, ces formats peuvent être dénommés «OpenSearch 1.1» ou simplement «OpenSearch». - utiliser les documents de description OpenSearch pour se renseigner sur l'interface publique d'un moteur de recherche. - description des modèles d'URL paramétrables qui indiquent comment le client de recherche devrait faire des demandes de recherche - utiliser des éléments de réponse OpenSearch pour ajouter des métadonnées de recherche à des résultats dans une variété de formats de contenu.

Recherche de référence du protocole - Google Search Appliance - Google Code

Le système Google Search Appliance utilise un simple basé sur HTTP protocole pour servir des résultats de recherche. Cela vous permet de contrôler comment les résultats de recherche sont demandées et comment ils sont présentés au les utilisateurs finaux. Ce guide décrit les détails techniques de la recherche, demandes et des résultats. Ce guide suppose que vous avez une connaissance de base du protocole HTTP et le format du document HTML.


DeeperWeb – Boost and Customize Google Search :: Modules pour Firefox

Un peu envahissant et peut etre pas si utile : DeeperWeb is the essential addon for Google (sidebar). Information is mapped into categories for fast and easy access to results such as answers, news, Wikipedia, videos, podcasts, articles, experts and more… Customize Google and boost your search.


Flickr Quick Links –

The script adds customisable links to the top of every page on flickr next to the flickr logo. In order to add your own links, you need to edit the script, and edit the customhtml variable. you can put whatever html you want in that variable. and it will be displayed next to the Flickr Logo. I use it to put some shortcuts to various URLS that i access regularly.

Rainbow folders - Utilitaires à la Mode __JoyStick__Recherche Google

pour changer la couleur de vos dossiers (le jaune, ça finit par être lassant !).

Biliotheque Opac.02 : Test de Moteurs de Recherche Spécialisés 'Custom-built Search Engines', Ariadne Issue 55

Les moteurs de recherche personnalisés : Ils sont rapides et simples à produire - et peut être utilisé, modifié, réédité et jeté le cas échéant.Il convient de mentionner à ce stade, c'est que votre moteur de recherche ne peut trouver du matériel qui a déjà été indexées par le moteur de recherche de sorte que cela exclure cachés Web, bases de données qui sont protégées par mot de passe, et ainsi de suite.

IdentFavIcon :: Modules pour Firefox

Replaces the default favicon for web pages without one with a visually pleasing identicon, which is unique for each domain. The extension uses the CRC-32 code of the web page's domain name to seed the identicon renderer.

Screenshot Tour: Mozilla Weave Synchronizes Your Browsing Experience

Weave can match up your Firefox 3 settings, cookies, browsing history, and even tabs between browsers, with experimental support for passwords and form data—in other words, just about everything except extensions, themes, and plug-ins.

Featured Firefox Extension: CyberSearch Integrates Search Results with Your AwesomeBar

The CyberSearch Firefox extension transforms Firefox 3's AwesomeBar into a dynamic search box capable of returning results from popular sites like Wikipedia, Google, and more. The extension is fully customizable


Bookmarking: Custom Google Search Your Bookmarks with deliGoo - Lifehacker

Search the contents of every web page you've ever bookmarked with using a dynamically built Google Custom Search engine from deliGoo. Just point your browser to the deliGoo homepage

Google Custom Search Engine - Site search and more

by 8 others
Have a website or collection of sites you'd like to search over? With Custom Search Engine, you can harness the power of Google to create a search engine tailored to your needs.

schmickr: bordr___Flickr extention

With the release of the gamma version of their site, Flickr decided to drop the thin border that they once placed around photos. This tool reinstates that border for Firefox users.

Flickr: Flickr Enhancing Tools - Discussing Flickr Enhancing Tools in FlickrCentral

I’ve consolidated some of the best photo enhancing tools available on the net...yea for free!!! (Everyone loves this magic word)

PWS Toolbar__Replaces advertisements and other unwanted content on web pages with pictures you choice

Stop watching ads! The "C No Evil' tool bar automatically replaces advertisements and other unwanted content on web pages with pictures you choice. You can create your own ad replacement albums or choice albums created by others...

Exact Mouse 2.0____________|MG| Free Download -

Tool to aid in the use of graphic design, web page construction, mechanical engineering and application development. Specifically,by augmenting the users control over mouse movements, by generating customizable rulers and by saving specific locations on t


Framer: Add a customized frame to your digital photographs

by 12 others
Add a unique frame to your photos. Remember, if you frame it, it's art. Credit to imapix for the stamp idea and to CaptPiper for kicking me in the butt to do it. Works with your photos hosted on Flickr or anywhere else - :Faire des scripts Greasemonkey

by 22 others, 1 comment
Le compagnon idéal de greaseMonkey. Permet de modifier une page et de sauvegardez les modifications sous la forme d'un script greaseMonkey. Le script est automatiquement appliqué lorsque vous revisitez la page.