public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag cloud

December 2011


by neotrix
Cloud personnel - OS Web

November 2011

Vines - XMPP/Jabber chat server for Ruby

by oseres (via)
Vines is an XMPP chat server that connects you with large clusters of machines as easily as chatting with a friend. It's a new, simpler way to manage your servers in the cloud or the data center.

Inside Pantheon: the Valhalla filesystem | Pantheon

by holyver
At Pantheon, when we look at challenges Drupal projects face, we don't only do what's worked well-enough in existing deployments. We ask ourselves how we can transcend some of the challenges entirely. How Drupal stores files is no exception. So, when we started building the next generation of Pantheon (now launched), we looked at our options -- and then built a solution entirely focused on the needs of Drupal developers.

October 2011

OwnCloud 2 disponible

by eledo34
ownCloud 2 disponible 13 oct. 2011 10:49 Par dada Logiciel Libre auto-hebergement, Logiciel libre, ownCloud, Planet-Libre Fil des commentaires de ce billet ownCloud-logo-square-150x150.png Stockage de vos fichiers Partage de ces derniers avec une gestion d’accès public ou par utilisateurs Lecteur de musique, streaming Gestion de votre calendrier et de vos contacts La version 2.0 de OwnCloud est officiellement disponible, donc ! Cette application vous permet de garder le contrôle de vos données personnelles puisque vous installerez tout un environnement "cloud" sur votre propre serveur. Sous votre seul contrôle.

What Is Boot 2 Gecko? A Look At Mozilla's Chrome-esque Cloud OS | thechromesource - Google Chrome and Chrome OS News and Forum

by oseres (via)
devices tend to be harder to get good open drivers for without pulling in things like X, which we don’t want to do.”  It sounds as though Mozilla believes that developing Boot 2 Gecko for the PC could end up conflicting with their goal to make the system completely open-source. That’s a secondary concern, though- their primary focus is definitely on the booming mobile market. And honestly, can you really blame them? A Rival For Android?

September 2011

August 2011

Dropbox - Developers - Simplify your life

by sylvainulg
A good way to push sprites made with SEDS "in the cloud" ?

July 2011

HTML5, Orion, NoSQL, Paas, Programmation polyglotte

by astrochoupe
What's Next Paris : le nouveau visage de Java (par Florent Ramière, Jaxio) PaaS, développement en mode Cloud, NoSQL... Organisé par la société de services Zenika, l'événement a été l'occasion de découvrir les dernières avancées de la technologie Java. La conférence s'est tenue les 26 et 27 mai 2011 au Grand Rex à Paris.

Why it’s okay to outsource your memory to the cloud — Tech News and Analysis

by oseres
Science magazine has published some research into how our memories are influenced by the availability of computers as a source of information, and this has some in a tizzy about the implications of outsourcing our brains. Author Nick Carr, for example — who has written a whole book about how the web is changing the way we think and making us more shallow — says he worries this phenomenon is going to make us less human in some way. But is that really a risk? I don’t think so. I, for one, am glad to outsource the duty of remembering miscellaneous facts to the cloud, because it leaves me free to do more important things.

Est-il temps de vous mettre au Cloud ?

by astrochoupe
Le cloud pour le grand public principalement : musique, jeux vidéos, bureautique...

June 2011

May 2011

April 2011

Burn Studios Audio Tool

by wabaus & 1 other
Free Cloud-based music mixing

Cloud communautaire : la troisième voie (2e partie) - Louis Naugès

by ghis
Quand choisir un cloud public, communautaire ou privé.

March 2011