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PUBLIC MARKS with tag coding




pcrepattern specification

by sylvainulg (via)
h : any horizontal white space character

📛 HACK - VIDEO - Applied Hacking channel - Samy Kamkar - YouTube

by decembre
SITE: Applied Hacking channel. I'm releasing original research, tools and videos around hacking, technology and security - typically around reverse engineering, coding, software, hardware, radio, electronics, fabrication and physical security (as in physical lock picking, not as in flying karate chops). Full source code, schematics, 3D models, and documentation will often be provided, and I'll go step by step into many of these projects so you can follow along, and build even better things! If I don't forget, I'll also explain how to protect yourself from such attacks and methods to improve security.



NaCl sandbox paper

by sylvainulg (via)
finally they implemented something based on x86 segmentation ? As in Clicker ?


by sylvainulg (via)
just because I'm curious how coding of my favourite WM is managed

Facebook lays out ambitious React.js JavaScript dev plans | InfoWorld

by sylvainulg (via)
doing layout in React itself rather than within the browser. [...] "This very easily fixes the reflow problem because now you can just render the correct thing the first time. You don't need to render a placeholder and then replace it once you know how big it is,"


Dave Baggett's answer to How did game developers pack entire games into so little memory twenty five years ago? - Quora

by sylvainulg (via)
" Basically, I had a whole bunch of different packing strategies, and would try them all and use the best result. " (...) " There were times when one of the artists would want to change something, and it would blow out the page count, and we'd have to change other stuff semi-randomly until the packer again found a packing that worked. "

How to Install FFmpeg in Ubuntu/Mint 17 (Part -1) - Latest Technology

by calipussoftware (via)
FFmpeg is a free software project that can record, convert and stream audio and video. It is a very fast video and audio converter. The syntax of FFmpeg’ command is ffmpeg [global_options] {[input_file_options] -i input_file} ... {[output_file_options] output_file} ... You can install FFmpeg in two ways : 1. Install From Repository 2. Download Source Code and compile it. Let’s first discuss about installing from Ubuntu Repository.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag coding

.net +   ajax + +   c# +   cheatsheet +   css +   designpattern +   development +   eclipse +   flex +   java +   jQuery +   jsp +   mysql +   php +   rss +   ruby +   Silverlight +  

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