public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from marco

December 2012

Changes to Google Apps for businesses

"Starting today, we are no longer accepting new signups for the free version of Google Apps."

May 2012

April 2012

Pure CSS3 Post Tags

Pure CSS post tags uses at least 2 CSS tricks such as CSS triangles and CSS circles

March 2012

Mozilla grudgingly adopts H.264

"The state of video on the Web today and in mobile devices in particular is pushing us to change our policy. We've declined to adopt a technology that improves user experience in the hopes this will bring greater user sovereignty. Not many would try this strategy, but we did," she added.

February 2012

January 2012


by 2 others
D3.js is a small, free JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.

(Better) Tabs with Round Out Borders

:after and :before trick

December 2011

TextMate Blog » mate and rmate

export GIT_EDITOR="mate --name 'Git Commit Message' -w -l 1"

November 2011

marco's TAGS


limit:50 100 200

@font-face   accessibilité   adobe   ajax   apache   app   apple   apps   article   blog   browser   business   clearstream   code   color   crise   css   css3   design   dev   development   django   dns   dom   drm   droit   email   explorer   extension   finance   firefox   flash   font   fonts   foot   form   fun   google   hack   hiphop   history   howto   html   html5   http   icann   ie   ie6   inspiration   interface   internet   iphone   itunes   javascript   jQuery   mac   microsoft   mozilla   mp3   music   musique   mysql   économie   opera   osx   perl   photos   photoshop   php   plugin   politique   ps3   python   reference   ressource   rss   safari   search   secu   security   sécurité   société   terminal   The Big Picture   tips   tutorial   twitter   typo   typographie   unicode   video   w3c   web   webdesign   webdev   webkit   windows   xhtml   xml   youtube