public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ramage with tag

07 April 2004

06 April 2004

WorldNetDaily: Senator demands hearings on translator crisis at FBI

Backlogs of untranslated Arabic chatter by suspected terrorists are piling higher at the department, thanks to a post-9-11 increase in wiretaps and a still-chronic shortage of qualified translators,

All That Goes Untranslated | Blogalization

esp. before 9/11...letter from Sen. Leahy to messrs. Ashcroft and Mueller. Talk about lost in translation.

Bush Sloganator reborn

"Because democracy is for Democrats!"

Kotkowska on blogging

"The 19th century might be truly called the dark age of blogging - and doubly so, since blogs were often done blindfolded...

05 April 2004

Modern Opium History

The story of opium, from 1800 to the present day.

overLIB - Documentation

overLIB is a JavaScript library created to enhance websites with small popup information boxes (like tooltips) to help visitors around your website.

Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality

Billy Kluver has pioneered the collaboration between artist and engineer, creating new forms that were previously unimaginable.

The Third Culture

Online version of John Brockman's 1995 book introducing contemporary thinkers "beyond the scientific revolution".

04 April 2004


Blog on technology and biology by Hjalmar Gislason, creator of Spurl

Spurl - you are what you read

by 65 others
keep track of your information consumption. Integrates with, too...

ongoing � On Search, the Series

by 1 other
the construction, deployment and use of search technology

01 April 2004

links to the full-text content of over 7000 scholarly periodicals

Google News

by 58 others, 1 comment
global news, within minutes

Sloganator Memorial

"Jobs Are For Losers Anyway" ....

31 March 2004