public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags delicious & best

September 2005

Trope_Smelly Knowledge ‽

Trop is a collection of Greasemonkey scripts. Trope scripts are active on sites utilizing user-generated tags to organize content and information into a folksonomy such as Flickr,, CiteULike, and Technorati. Trope places small links next to ta

Scrumptious Peer Pressure »

by 8 others
crumptious is a Firefox extension for use with, a social bookmark manager. It makes it easy and convenient to add bookmarks with accurate metadata tags to from Firefox. After installation, you can open Scrumptious by choosing View

GMiF - (Google Maps in Flickr) Flickr Contacts_+_LfVr -(a Lightweight flickr )ViewerYuan.CC Web Experiments

by 7 others
There's an easy way to see your geotagged photos on Gmap without leaving flickr. Just install the greasemonkey script to your firefox and see your photos shown on map right away. There will be a button added at the right-most of button bar if the photo is

June 2005 One-Click

extension Firefox : ajoute un delete devant les tags de