Stylish pour changer l'aspect des sites web
by LuciferXStylish est une extension pour Mozilla Firefox qui permet aux utilisateurs de changer l'apparence (le style) des sites Web et de l'interface utilisateur.
Orangoo Labs - GreyBox
by temps & 12 others (via)pour présenter du contenu image, texte ou site en surimpression
Firefox extensions I couldn't live without - CSS Insider
by bcpbcp & 5 others (via)# Web Developer - The absolute must-have extension for anyone who builds web sites, no matter how small or few and far between.
# MeasureIt - No more eyeballing pixel widths!
# ColorZilla - I shudder to think back on the huge PITA of getting hex codes for colors before this lovely extension... taking a screenshot, pasting it into Photoshop, using the eyedropper tool... how much time have I saved because of it? (Answer: lots.)
# FireBug - As mentioned on The Javascript Weblog; just darn useful.
# IE View - All the maddening bugs of IE without actually having to launch the browser. (With the caveat that it doesn't do me much good on my Mac at work, where I don't have IE/Mac installed.)
# Live HTTP Headers - Go along for the ride from user interface to server and back, making all local stops.
# EditCSS - Modify currently loaded stylesheets.
# Cookie Crumbler - Convenient way to quickly clear cookies from a domain.
# Clear Cache Button - Another small convenience that makes a big difference.
A List Apart: Articles: Sliding Doors of CSS
by fox_b & 23 others (via)A rarely discussed advantage of CSS is the ability to layer background images, allowing them to slide over each other to create certain effects. CSS2’s current state requires a separate HTML element for each background image. In many cases, typical markup for common interface components has already provided several elements for our use.
Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2005 (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
by sunny & 17 othersLes dix plus grosses erreurs de web design de 2005. Jaquiesce énergiquement