public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags communication & internet

09 March 2006 17:45

09 March 2006 10:30

08 March 2006 21:00

08 March 2006 13:45

09 November 2005 10:00

Instant Messaging Applications Face Increased Security Threats

by teleclick
The number of threats being targeted towards instant messaging applications has soared in the past year.

08 November 2005 10:00

Another Free Internet Telephony Service Hits the Market

by teleclick
Telecommunications service provider, Yak Communications Inc. has made a deal with CounterPath Solutions, a premier provider of VoIP, SIP, and Instant Messaging services, allowing Yak to release a powerful new voice and video-enabled peer-to-peer VoIP network.

26 October 2005 09:45

Skype Security Flaws Discovered

by teleclick
Skype has just issued security patches for two critical bugs involving their popular internet telephony software. The recently discovered bugs would have made it possible for hackers to run hostile code on computers running vulnerable versions of Skype.

12 October 2005 21:15

Yahoo and Microsoft Create Instant Messaging Partnership

by teleclick
The Wall Street Journal has reported that Microsoft and Yahoo, both dominant players in the instant communication industry, are preparing to link together their free instant messaging services to take on market leader AOL, and industry newcomer, Google.

03 October 2005 13:00

L'écrigraphe - ecrivain biographe

by bistoule (via)
Rédaction de biographie familiale, histoire d'une commune, d'une entreprise, d'une collectivité, d'un club, d'un cercle d'amis

19 August 2005 11:30

Communiquer et collaborer à distance : mythes et réalités

by Monique (via)
Analyse des avantages et inconvénients de la collaboration à distance via le Net.

01 June 2005 02:00

le blog de

by nando
un blog sur les technologies de l’information et de la communication

05 May 2005 17:15

18 April 2005 14:45

31 March 2005 22:45

30 March 2005 12:15

18 February 2005 07:00

15 October 2004 13:15