public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag advertising

June 2006 | Best Young European Team

Best YET est l'occasion pour les jeunes talents de s'illustrer pour la première fois sur la scène internationale.


by 10 others
"ce qui coute cher dans la publicité, c'est le temps que vous mettez à vous decider" très belle agence qui a realisée notamment toutes les pubs eurostar radio / tv + l'humanité...

May 2006

BannerBlog : Where Banners Click

by 8 others, 2 comments
Banner Blog started in June 2005 to showcase* online advertising, much of which goes unnoticed. It was also seen as a good opportunity to pimp our own work too! BannerBlog was created by Ashley Ringrose who works at Soap Creative, a small & friendly interactive agency and Ashadi Hopper who works at RMG Connect, one of the larger multinational agencies around town.

Death Of The Banner Ad? -

by 1 other (via)
Video game portal IGN announced Tuesday it will be doing away with banner ads as it steps up its advertising technology.

January 2006

CYON idea

des jeux de popups synchronisées

December 2005

by 2 others
International advertising awards : the finest TV ads selection. Hundreds of creative and funny commercials. is a website presenting the finest TV ads worldwide.

November 2005

Ads of the World | Daily Creative Fix

by 25 others (via)
Ads of the World is an advertising archive and blog celebrating great work worldwide. Read more

October 2005

Casseurs de pub

by 2 others
Les publicitaires, c'est comme les dealers, ils attendent les enfants et les ados à la sortie des écoles et des lycées. Ils savent très bien que plus ils prennent les jeunes tôt, plus il sera dur après pour eux de se désintoxiquer de la consommation.

September 2005

Merci d'épargner ma boîte aux lettres

Le coût de la collecte et du traitement de ces courriers non adressés est à la charge des collectivités locales et donc du contribuable. Pour une ville de 100 000 habitants leur traitement représente une dépense supplémentaire de 250 000 € par an.

Advertising/Design Goodness

by 12 others (via)
The best and sometimes the worst around the globe

August 2005

IAB Standards and Guidelines - Universal Ad Packages

by 3 others
The IAB's new wave of voluntary guidelines includes seven new Interactive Marketing Unit (IMU) ad formats; two vertical units and five large rectangular units. The new voluntary guidelines join the roster of recommended guidelines that the IAB already has in place.

July 2005

Soviet Radio Magazine Propaganda Images

There are about 700 pictures on this site. They come from a Soviet magazine "Radio" and were never published before on the Internet.

June 2005

Flashtalking ::: Online Video Adverts

Why do advertisers choose Flashtalking for online vide ? The simplest solutions are usually the best. With online video advertising this is certainly true.

Et si on vivait autrement !

Offerte par les magasins Nature & Découvertes, cette campagne d’information met en lumière les actions soutenues financièrement par la Fondation en faveur de la biodiversité. Illustrée par Lionel Koechlin, elle adopte un ton souriant, pédagogique et très accessible. Ainsi, les annonces soulignent que la biodiversité est l’affaire de tous.

May 2005


by 6 others
Feel the difference / taste the difference & see the difference : Get Firefox !

April 2005

Ad campaign for a Brazilian internet company

creation: Andrea Evora Cals / PJ Pereira Agency - DM9DDB - Brazil

Transportation Futuristics : A Presentation of the Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library

by 3 others
Visionary Designs in Transportation Engineering: A virtual exhibit to accompany the Bernice Layne Brown Gallery installation in Doe Library, July 6th to September 29th, 2004

January 2005

Welcome to the Atari History Museum

by 1 other
"Atari History Museum" Celebrating 30 Years of Fun & Games!

The Arcade Flyer Archive

We are a repository for arcade related promotional flyers that are used by the arcade industry to promote the sales of their games. These flyers capture screenshots, pictures of cabinets, descriptions of game play and concept art. They are a slick promotional presentation of video game history.

by 5 others
The world largest archive of classic print ads