public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag mobile

May 2016

GitHub - 84Paris/canvasvideo.js: canvasvideo.js is a lightweight library to play inline video with sound on iPhone.

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canvasvideo.js is a lightweight library to play video file in a canvas element with audio support. This is the best way to play inline video with sound on iPhone.

April 2016

Button | User-First Mobile Monetization

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Button connects your app to leading commerce brands, earns you money, and generates user

Push notifications to mobile devices using browser APIs

This proof of concept walks you through how to send free messages from your server to the browser on both desktop and mobile, without having to install anything on the end user device or computer. It also offers tips and tricks for some common scenarios.

Mobile UX Design: What Makes a Good Notification? — UX Planet

Have you ever paid attention to the number of notifications and alert messages you receive on a daily basis from various apps? How many of those notifications do you actually care about?

March 2016

[MAJ] Qu’est ce qu’une photo à l’ère du numérique et du téléphone mobile ? « MOBACTU / by @laurenceallard

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Dans la foulée et en complément de l’émission Place de la toile du 28 septembre 2013 consacrée à la « photographie à l’ère numérique » à laquelle j’ai eu le plaisir d’être conviée par Xavier de la Porte, Alexandre Jubelin et Thibault Henneton aux côtés d’André Gunthert et de Jean Christophe Bechet, voici quelques réflexions issues de données ethnographiques récentes mettant en avant la vie matérielle et sociale du digital -au double sens anglo-saxon et français du terme car car avec le développement des interfaces tactiles sur les mobiles mais aussi sur les écrans d’ordinateur et les tablettes, les pratiques numériques sont de plus en plus incarnées et sous la main. Ces hypothèses font l’objet approfondi également d’un article à paraître en février 2014 aux éditions Armand Colin dans l’ouvrage collectif Téléphone Mobile et Création, sous la direction de Roger Odin, Laurent Creton et Laurence Allard. A la question liminaire de l’émission, qu’est ce qu’une photo à l’ère numérique et de la connexion généralisée, nous répondrons : « une image-texte prise 8 fois par jour avec mobile sur le mode psychique je vois/j’envoie. »

Bout turns social photography into a sport | Kill Screen

You play by starting a photo challenge – you can write your own, or select from currently available gems along the lines of “animal you most look like” or “something you shouldn’t drink” or “best Spiderman”. You share that “bout” with your friends, who then presumably rise to the challenge and take a photo that best/most awesomely represents that statement. 

AH Home

Bout, a social photo-taking game for iOS, was built in collaboration with leading comedy site CollegeHumor. Bout pits players’ skills and cleverness against their friends’ for the chance to win in-game coins and earn bragging rights. Players race to submit the most creative pictures in response to fun prompts, resulting in an endless stream of amazing, funny photos.

December 2015

Creating a Lightsaber with Polymer | Google Web Showcase - Google Developers

How we used Polymer to create a high-performance WebGL mobile controlled Lightsaber that is modular and configurable. We review some of the key details of our project to help you save time when creating your own next time you run into a pack of angry Stormtroopers.

October 2015

Perceptual Image Compression at Flickr |

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At Flickr our users really care about image quality.  They also care a lot about how responsive our apps are.  Addressing both of these concerns simultaneously is challenging;  higher quality images have larger file sizes and are slower to transfer.   Slow transfers are especially noticeable on mobile devices.   Flickr had historically aimed for high quality at the expense of larger files, but in late 2014 we implemented a method to both maintain image quality and decrease the byte-size of the images we serve to users.   As image appearance is very important to our users,  we performed an extensive user test before rolling this change out.   Here’s how we did it.

May 2015

March 2015

Human Data

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Human helps people move almost twice as much in six weeks. Every day, people track millions of activities with our app. We visualized 7.5 Million miles of activity in major cities all across the globe to get an insight into Human activity. Walking, running, cycling, and motorized transportation data tell us different stories.

November 2014

These are NSFW emoji for sexting | The Verge

Emoji aren’t sexy. They’re simple, tame, and accessible icons that work wonders if you want convey basic emotions. But when it comes to sexting, they're pretty inadequate. Winky faces, eggplants, and bananas have their uses, of course, but if you want to be a little sexier, you’re going to have to use your words.


Flirtmoji is a visual language designed to empower people of all sexualities to communicate their desires, concerns, and flirtations. We are a group of designers, developers, and hornballs on a mission to give the people playful, inclusive, and functional sex emoji. Launched in 2014 and based in the Bay Area, California, Flirtmoji is going places and we want you to come.

Everybody Sexts — Matter — Medium

What love (and sex) really looks like in the 21st century.

September 2014

Beyond Reality Face Nxt | cross platform Face Tracking SDK for HTML5/Javascript and Flash/Actionscript

by 1 other
Develop apps for the web, mobile and desktop using Actionscript or HTML5/Javascript. The trial SDK ships with examples to get you started in no time.

Shenzhen trip report - visiting the world's manufacturing ecosystem - Joi Ito's Web

Both Shenzhen and Silicon Valley have a "critical mass" that attracts more and more people, resources and knowledge, but also they are both living ecosystems full of diversity and a work ethic and experience base that any region will have difficulty bootstrapping.

July 2014

Gary Hershorn’s Off-field World Cup Album | Narratively | Human stories, boldly told.

A photojournalist explores the cities of Brazil with only a smartphone in hand, and discovers the country’s most mesmerizing moments happen when no one is watching.

Former Microsoft Engineers Launch Pixotale, A Social Networking App For Visual Storytelling | TechCrunch

A pair of ex-Microsoft engineers, Robert Mao and Haitao Li, have launched what they describe as a new social network based around photos and videos with Pixotale, an app that aims to re-imagine long-form storytelling for the mobile era.

June 2014

A Phone That Lies for You: An Android Hack Allows Users to Put Decoy Data on a Smartphone - Scientific American

A new programming technique could bring these scenarios to life. Computer scientist Karl-Johan Karlsson has reprogrammed a phone to lie. By modifying the operating system of an Android-based smartphone, he was able to put decoy data on it—innocent numbers, for example—so that the real data escape forensics. He presented the hack in January at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Winners of the 2014 iPhone Photography Awards | Colossal

It’s amazing to see the stories we’re now capable of telling with a device that fits in our pocket containing a camera about the size of a dime

8 | The More You Expose Yourself Online, The More This Bustier Exposes Your Bare Skin | Co.Exist | ideas + impact

"I felt like digitally I was already being exposed, and physically, I just felt like that was a apart of the statement," Chen says. "While wearing it, just the amount of activity that happened made me realize how much it was showing off."

The Complete Guide to Anonymous Apps -- NYMag

Anonymity came back into vogue. Today, there are literally dozens of anonymous sharing apps that allow you to vent, confess, or share secrets with strangers while going incognito. These apps are so popular, in fact, that it's hard to keep track of them all. In an attempt to catalogue the emerging trend, I downloaded 25 different anonymous apps to my phone — every one I could find on the App Store — and tested each one. Here's the complete, exhaustive rundown:

This Guy Tried To Group Text 32 Tinder Matches And Failed Miserably (Photos)

Either this dude has no idea how group messages on iPhones work or he genuinely didn’t care that 32 of his Tinder girls were going to see that he sent the same message to each of them. For his sake, I hope it’s the first one. “Joshua” must have been incredibly lazy that day because it appears he sent a mass text to every female he right-swiped. I mean, maybe he was just bored and looking for some innocent companionship, but — no, I really can’t justify this guy if I tried. This is just weird.

Volkswagen texting while driving saftey ad hijacks cinemagoer's phones | Mail Online

It is a shocking demonstration of just how distracting a text message can be. Hong Kong cinemagoers were shown an ad with someone driving through a forest. However, midway through, they were sent a text message - and when they checked their handset, the on screen car careered of the road and crashed, leaving them shocked and stunned.

This Is How You Get People To Stop Texting While Driving - Digg

In a very smart PSA run in Hong Kong, Volkswagen sent text messages to people while they watched footage of a driver who gets in an accident while texting.