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PUBLIC MARKS with tag mmog

January 2006

:: Último Segundo - Monstros para matar? Fozhou os trucida para você

by bcpbcp
FUZHOU, China – Uma das mais novas fábricas chinesas funciona no porão de um antigo depósito. Cartazes de “World of Warcraft” e “Magic Land” estão pendurados sobre jovens colados à tela de seus computadores no que consiste a mais nova forma de se ganhar dinheiro.

Raph Koster's Home Page | Moore's Wall: Technology Advances and Online Game Design

by bcpbcp
This talk was given as part of an IBM Games on Demand webcast conference. “We should remember that 90% of the online game players out there are playing a game that was not developed by a professional: they’re playing CounterStrike, which was user-created.”

Terra Nova: The Early History of Real Money Trades

by bcpbcp
"Out-of-world sales of gold and other virtual items have been going on since the early days of text-based "multi-user dungeons" and other online spaces, in the late 1970s."

Play Between Worlds - The MIT Press

by bcpbcp (via)
In Play Between Worlds, T. L. Taylor examines multiplayer gaming life as it is lived on the borders, in the gaps--as players slip in and out of complex social networks that cross online and offline space. Taylor questions the common assumption that playing computer games is an isolating and alienating activity indulged in by solitary teenage boys. Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), in which thousands of players participate in a virtual game world in real time, are in fact actively designed for sociability. Games like the popular Everquest, she argues, are fundamentally social spaces.

Discrimination emerges in WoW? from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

by bcpbcp
"Academics and other students of the Internet have known for decades that even typed communication can reveal such non-verbal aspects of an online user, but it still comes as a surprise when discrimination emerges in an online game."

Terra Nova: The Numbers Game

by bcpbcp
There’s been an interesting backchannel discussion between several TN folks about the numbers of people in various online worlds. Or at least, the numbers publicly claimed and what they might mean.

November 2005

Declaring the Rights of Players

by bcpbcp (via)
"Do players of virtual worlds have rights?One of those questions that given my position, I shouldn't write about. No matter what, any answer I give is bound to be wrong, either from the perspective of my employers or my customers. Heck, even over on the non-commercial side of the fence, it's likely to raise some hackles among hardworking mud admins."

Online Worlds: The Forms of Things Unknown |Raph Koster's Home Page

by bcpbcp
"I gave this talk at one of the monthly IGDA chapter meetings in San Diego"

Começa o beta de "Ryudragon", novo jogo online parceiro do UOL - 09/11/2005 - PC - UOL Jogos

by bcpbcp
Come�ou nessa quarta-feira (9), a fase beta de "Ryudragon", jogo online que � mais novo parceiro de UOL Jogos. O per�odo antecede a 5� era, prevista para come�ar no dia 5 de dezembro e durar dois meses

O virtual é cada vez mais real | no mínimo | Reportagem

by bcpbcp
Um fen�meno da Internet dos dias de hoje, os MMORPGs (do ingl�s Massive Online Multiplayer Role-Playing Games - ou jogos de interpreta��o on line e massivos para m�ltiplos jogadores) permitem que milhares de jogadores criem personagens em um mundo virtual din�mico e persistente que continua evoluindo mesmo que, em algum momento, nenhum jogador esteja conectado a ele. Para ter acesso a um dos servidores que hospedam esses mundos, normalmente � preciso pagar uma taxa mensal, apesar da distribui��o do jogo em alguns casos ser gratuita.

Yahoo! 360° - Computer Mediated Communication - Yume : A 15 year quest completed

by bcpbcp (via)
"15 years ago I traveled to Japan with my family as part of a Fujitsu marketing campaign for the Japanese version of Habitat, the first avatar virtual world. "

October 2005

September 2005

August 2005

December 2004