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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 2005 & games

16 October 2005

Games * Design * Art * Culture - Greg Costikyan

by bcpbcp
Recent Presentations: games and storytelling, create new game styles

15 October 2005

Idle Forums - Xbox Live Arcade - Unveiled

by bcpbcp
"Microsoft today unveiled the purpose behind the previously mysterious ‘Xbox Live Arcade’ feature of their Xbox 360. (drum roll)… It allows you to pay for and download small / retro game titles onto the Xbox 360 hard drive! "

But are they games? from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

by bcpbcp
"The following is provided as an outline more to cause controversy than to really get to the meat of the debate. Please add your own, and maybe we can get to the bottom of it."

Videogame Aesthetics: We're All Going to Die!

by bcpbcp
Depending on your point of view, photo-realism is either a scourge or a grail.

14 October 2005 - Suddenly Serious about Games

by bcpbcp
"... I think once games become serious they turn into mere systems in the same way that porn becomes a medical illustration once it ceases stimulating you."

Violence in games stimulates brain for aggression | CNET

by bcpbcp
Violent video games appear to put the human brain in a mood to fight, according to a new study from Michigan State University.

13 October 2005

12 October 2005

The Video Game Time Line Project

by bcpbcp (via)
This is where I will attempt to compile a time line of fictional events in video games.

11 October 2005

Folha Online - Informática - Venda de videogames cai 20% em setembro nos EUA - 10/10/2005

by bcpbcp
Venda de videogames cai 20% em setembro nos EUAda Folha OnlineA venda de consoles de videogame deve apresentar queda de 20% em setembro, nos Estados Unidos, se comparada ao mesmo m�s do ano anterior.