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29 March 2006

03.28.06 AR: Solons get behind plan to increase minimum wage

If Gov. Mike Huckabee gets a special legislative session rolling by April 3, lawmakers may head off a constitutional amendment to raise Arkansas' minimum wage by increasing it themselves. A compromise minimum wage plan could be included on the agenda for

03.29.06 ME: Approval for Minimum Wage Increase Pending

A bill to raise the current minimum wage of $6.50 to $6.75 this October and then to $7 in October of 2007 appears to be on its way to final approval after the Senate this week rejected an amendment to add a training wage to the proposal. The amendment, pr

03.29.06 MI: Granholm signs the minimum wage hike

Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed a higher minimum wage law Tuesday, calling it a victory for workers and a boost to Michigan's economy. The current minimum wage of $5.15 an hour rises to $6.95 on Oct. 1. The hourly base goes to $7.15 in July 2007 and $7.40 i

27 March 2006

03.24.06 OH: Minimum-Wage Raise Touted

Boosting the state minimum wage to $6.85 an hour — a proposal likely to appear on the November statewide ballot — would result in raises for 1 in 7 Ohio workers, according to a new study. An estimated 720,000 workers, 58 percent of them women, would b

03.27.06 CA: Minimum Wage Bills Face Challenge In Sacramento

(AP) SACRAMENTO Three bills to raise the minimum wage - one backed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and two by Democrats - face tests this week in the California Legislature. All three measures would boost the hourly minimum wage by $1 to $7.75, making it on

03.26.06 AR: Arkansas' minimum wage scenarios

A proposed constitutional amendment to raise the minimum wage in Arkansas from $5.15 per hour to $6.15 per hour is being considered on a call for a special legislative session. A proposed amendment in Arkansas would require an annual automatic increase or


“Two Bush Cabinet officials have indicated that the administration would finally be open to an increase in the national minimum wage, stuck at $5.15 per hour for the past 7 years. This is unexpected, but welcome, news from an administration that has rep

03.24.06 MI: Democrats, labor drop minimum wage petition drive

Sponsors are pulling the plug on a petition drive to raise Michigan’s minimum wage, as Gov. Jennifer Granholm prepares to sign into law Tuesday an even higher minimum wage than the campaign sought. A campaign to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 an hour

23 March 2006

03.23.06 FL: Mayor Wants To Override Minimum Wage For Miami Workers

MIAMI -- At a meeting of the Miami City Commission Thursday, Mayor Manny Diaz presented an ordinance that could increase the pay of some of the city's most poorly compensated workers. If the ordinance passes, the city of Miami and private firms that act a

03.23.06 ID: House committee kills minimum wage bill

BOISE, IDAHO -- A push to increase Idaho's minimum wage by a dollar is dead. The House State Affairs Committee voted 12-to-five against the plan to raise the minimum wage to $6.15 an hour from $5.15.

03.23.06 MA: Reilly urges increase in minimum wage - The Boston Globe

Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly joined the chorus of workers, unions, and lawmakers yesterday calling for the state to adopt the highest minimum wage in the nation.

03.23.06 MA: State's minimum wage may lead U.S. (March 23, 2006)

BOSTON - Lawmakers at the Statehouse are close to making Massachusetts' minimum wage the highest in the country, but there is a deep split in the Legislature over how far it should go. Proposed Senate legislation would raise hourly wage over two years t

22 March 2006

03.22.06 MA: Workers, Activists Rally For Minimum Wage Hike

BOSTON -- Workers, labor activists and lawmakers rallied at the Statehouse Wednesday for an increase in the state minimum wage. Advocates say a raise from the current $6.75 an hour to a proposed $8.25 an hour is the fair thing to do. They say the nearly 5

03.22.06 IL: Blagojevich urges higher minimum wage

Gov. Rod Blagojevich wasted no time this morning trying to draw clear distinctions between himself and Republican opponent Judy Baar Topinka, saying he will push for a $1-an-hour hike in the minimum wage if he's re-elected. Fresh from a primary victo

03.21.06 MI: Amount of Minimum Wage Increase Discussed

March 21, 2006, 07:15 AM Exactly how much more money Michigan workers will get under a minimum wage increase could be a question headed for the courts. One set of increases passed by the state legislature that would take effect in October is headed to Gov

03.21.06 PA: Minimum-wage bill likely to pass in Pa.

But the increase will be about half what Rendell proposed, going to $6.25. Will he approve it? By Marc Levy Associated Press HARRISBURG - The GOP-controlled legislature appears likely to approve legislation to raise the minimum wage this year, but the inc

03.21.06 ID: Democrats win standoff over minimum wage bill

Democrats brought the House to a standstill this morning, by refusing to go along with suspending reading of bills. The reason: They want a hearing on their bill to increase the minimum wage, which House GOP leadership has been sitting on all session. Bec

03.22.06 TN: Lawmakers debate workers’ base wage - Wednesday, 03/22/06

The General Assembly is currently debating whether Tennessee should have a higher minimum wage than the federal standard. The federal minimum wage is $5.15 an hour and state lawmakers are considering raising the state’s minimum wage to $6.15 an hour.

20 March 2006

03.15.06 MI: New Minimum Wage Closer To Reality

Get ready for it. The Michigan state minimum wage looks like it's about to jump from 5.15 an hour to 6.95. Both the State House and Senate have now passed the bill. All that remains is for the governor to sign it, and that seems almost a certainty.

03.17.06 PA: Lawmakers appear ready to raise minimum wage

HARRISBURG | The state Legislature appears willing to act on boosting the minimum wage by more than a dollar to $6.25 an hour. That's less than the $7.15 sought by Gov. Ed Rendell and his Democratic colleagues, but more than many thought the Republica

03.16.06 OH: GOP Lawmakers Try To Defuse Minimum Wage Ballot Proposals - Yahoo! News

The Republican-led Ohio Legislature passed a hike to the state's minimum wage last week, raising it to the federal level of $5.15 an hour, meaning small businesses also will have to pay that rate. GOP Gov. Bob Taft has endorsed it. ADVERTISEMENT Why did R

03.16.06 AR: Is a deal working on minimum wage?

The proposed constitutional amendment would increase the minimum wage in Arkansas by $1 an hour (from $5.15 to $6.15) effective Jan. 1, 2007. Starting January 1, 2008, and each January 1 thereafter, the minimum wage would be adjusted based on changes in t

03.17.06 AZ: Strong support for minimum wage hike, statewide smoking ban - 2006-03-17

A new poll shows strong support for proposed statewide referendums to raise the state's minimum wage, ban smoking in all workplaces and raise tobacco taxes to pay for preschools and children's health programs.

17 March 2006

03.15.06 MI: Granholm Expected to Sign Minimum Wage Increase

The Michigan House voted Tuesday to raise the state's minimum wage by $1.80 an hour in October, the first increase in nine years. The legislation now heads to Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who is expected to sign it despite opposition from business owners.

03.16.06 AZ: Napolitano backs hike in minimum wage

Governor backs $6.75 an hour proposal for Nov. ballot Mary Jo Pitzl and Chip Scutari The Arizona Republic Mar. 16, 2006 12:00 AM Count Gov. Janet Napolitano as a "yes" vote if a proposal to create a state minimum wage gets on the ballot. The Demo