public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from aflciopolitical with tag massachusetts

05 April 2006

04.04.06 MA: Mass. to Impose Individual Mandate, Employer Fee to Expand Health Coverage

The Massachusetts House and Senate have passed a landmark plan designed to expand health insurance to most of the state's estimated 500,000 uninsured citizens. The measure requires that all residents and most employers participate in the health insuran

30 March 2006

03.30.06 MA: Minimum-wage increase supporters are hopeful

Attorney General Thomas Reilly last Wednesday joined the chorus of workers, unions and lawmakers calling for the state to adopt the highest minimum wage in the nation. Speaking to more than 100 workers and supporters of the proposal to increase the w

23 March 2006

03.23.06 MA: Reilly urges increase in minimum wage - The Boston Globe

Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly joined the chorus of workers, unions, and lawmakers yesterday calling for the state to adopt the highest minimum wage in the nation.

03.23.06 MA: State's minimum wage may lead U.S. (March 23, 2006)

BOSTON - Lawmakers at the Statehouse are close to making Massachusetts' minimum wage the highest in the country, but there is a deep split in the Legislature over how far it should go. Proposed Senate legislation would raise hourly wage over two years t

03.23.06 MA: Letter: Business should pay their fair share

Health-care plan helps the uncompensated care pool. The new drafted compromise health-care proposal, a collaboration with the Senate and the House in consultation with the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, hopefully will bring some equity to the uncompe

22 March 2006

03.22.06 MA: Workers, Activists Rally For Minimum Wage Hike

BOSTON -- Workers, labor activists and lawmakers rallied at the Statehouse Wednesday for an increase in the state minimum wage. Advocates say a raise from the current $6.75 an hour to a proposed $8.25 an hour is the fair thing to do. They say the nearly 5

10 March 2006

Massachusetts: HB 4479 - Fair Share

HOUSE. . . . . . . No.4479 House bill No. 4463, as changed by the committee on Bills in the Third Reading and as amended and passed to be engrossed by the House. November 3, 2005. In the Year Two Thousand and Five. AN ACT PROMOTING ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE.

08 March 2006

Massachusetts HOUSE, NO. 4479

It looks like the bill has passed both houses but House and Senate still ironing out details

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