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PUBLIC MARKS from aflciopolitical with tags news & california

12 April 2006

03 April 2006

04.01.06 CA: Minimum Wage Hearings Not Doing Much For Gov.

Sacramento, CA – When it comes to raising the minimum wage, it seems like no one can agree. The California Labor Federation is sponsoring bills in the Assembly and Senate to boost the $6.75 minimum wage by $1 and make future increases automatic with the

30 March 2006

03.30.06 CA: Minimum wage hike stalls / Governor's plan dies, and he says he'll veto Democrats' plan

Sacramento -- A key piece of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's re-election year agenda suffered a setback Wednesday as his bid to raise the minimum wage by $1 failed in its first legislative hearing. Senate Democrats instead approved a broader proposal that

27 March 2006

03.27.06 CA: Minimum Wage Bills Face Challenge In Sacramento

(AP) SACRAMENTO Three bills to raise the minimum wage - one backed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and two by Democrats - face tests this week in the California Legislature. All three measures would boost the hourly minimum wage by $1 to $7.75, making it on

27 February 2006

23 February 2006

California | 02/10/2006 | Worker health care bill eyed

SACRAMENTO - State Sen. Carole Migden plans to introduce legislation soon to force large companies such as Wal-Mart to pay more for their employees' health care costs, something that more than two dozen other states also are contemplating. Migden's bil

Capitol Weekly: Ballot initiative would boost minimum wage while reducing overtime

Thomas Hiltachk filed the "Fair Pay Workplace Flexibility Act of 2006" with the Attorney General on Feb. 10. If it makes it to the ballot and is passed by voters, it would lift the state's minimum wage from the current $6.75 to $7.25 on July 1, 2007, a