public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag publicité


Sencha - CSS3 Ads Versus Flash Ads

Démonstration des capacités de CSS3 pour remplacer Flash dans les publicités Web

Why Ad Blocking is devastating to the sites you love

by 1 other
Did you know that blocking ads truly hurts the websites you visit? We recently learned that many of our readers did not know this, so I'm going to explain why.

Mobile Internet Report

Une excellente étude Morgan Stanley sur le web mobile, avec notamment des parties sur les réseaux sociaux (surtout Facebook), le e-commerce, impact sur les opérateurs télécom, publicité, etc.


Wassup 2008

8 ans plus tard, l'équipe des célèbres pubs Wassup revient, légèrement désabusée... l'espoir est-il encore possible ?

Ads of the World: Creative Advertising Archive & Community | Your Daily Dose of Creativity from Around the World

by 25 others
Ads of the World is a commercial advertising archive and community showcasing the best and most interesting creative work worldwide.


Ad-Awards - International advertising awards : the finest TV ads selection. Hundreds of creative and funny commercials

by 1 other
Ad-Awards is an independent group who selects the best ads on a monthly basis. In August 2005, an award will be given to each of the categories selected on our DIRECTORY page.