public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags theme & clevermarks


Omega | Drupal 7 Base Theme with HTML5 & 960gs support

by holyver
Omega is an evolved implementation of the in Drupal supporting HTML5, giving you full control over your layout, advanced region placement and controls, and contextual layouts provided by the Delta and Context modules.


Stylesheets Not Loading?, 31 Reasons to Hate Internet Explorer | JohnAlbin

by claire_
Stylesheets Not Loading? 31 Reasons to Hate Internet Explorer


Drupal Theming: The Code Behind the Videos | Lullabot

by claire_
profil d'installation d'un site drupal "fonctionnel", plus complet et plus instructif que simplement télécharger le drupal core


Classes For (Almost) Everything In A Drupal Theme | My Drupal Blog

by claire_
Awesome bit of code available to Drupal themers which enables the addition of dynamic classes to your body tag based upon a number of different parameters, such as your position and status : <body class="front not-logged-in one-sidebar sidebar-right">

Active users

last mark : 10/06/2011 12:07

last mark : 15/01/2010 15:19