public marks



So why yet another one ?

The main particularity of OpenWebReader is that it is fully written in object-oriented programming style, and uses MVC as architectural pattern.

Comment dire qu'on s'en tape ? :-)

It is designed to be fast and easy-to-use, and the interface tends to be the most user-friendly as possible.

Et comparé aux autres sus-mentionnés ?

It is foreseen to develop a desktop application, based on the API/REST, you will then also be able to use OpenWebReader without the use of any web-browser and on any platform.

Vaporware. Et pas forcément intéressant (l'utilité de se passer du navigateur web, c'est surtout de se passer du serveur).

Au final, pourquoi un autre ? "Euh, ben parce que principalement, nous on n'aime pas le coding-style des zautres."

night.kame said at 08:21 the 27/06/2010

on this link

php   rss  


the 25/06/2010 at 10:47