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Aromatherapy Methods

by bloggingmiracle & 1 other
Weighing The Methods Of Trying Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is becoming increasingly popular as a method of helping people to relax in the home and to bring additional health benefits into your life. However, most people tend to buy things like aromatherapy candles and the like, which do hold some great scents, but aren�t the only methods of enjoying aromatherapy. In fact, there are varied methods for using aromatherapy that are accessible to the average person, some of which hold different benefits than others. Lets take a look at these different methods of enjoying aromatherapy. As A Topical Treatment The essential oils that are used in aromatherapy can be used on the skin, but due to the intense concentration of the essential oils, any methods of aromatherapy that involves contact with the body needs some way to dilute the essential oils. Often, an oil that is neutral in color or scent, such as almond oil or the like. For use as a massage oil or in lotions, just a few drops to a bottle of either will prove to be enough to let the carrier fluid to absorb the scent, making any of these topical methods of enjoying aromatherapy more comfortable. In A Diffuser Like methods of using aromatherapy such as the use of candles, diffusers bring the scents of essential oils to the air, and while most use some sort of heating method to help encourage the scents to fill a room. Some diffusers use small candles to heat a tray that holds the essential oils, while others use an electric heating element. Either way, these allow you to use purer scents than you would find with just a candle, so the use of diffusers is one of the most effective methods of aromatherapy. In The Bath The use of aromatherapy in the bath can come, like in topical methods of using aromatherapy, through the addition of a few drops of essential oils to the bath, but there are other methods of enjoying aromatherapy in the bath. For instance, many bath salts these days combine the salts with essential oils, bringing the additional health benefits of the salts as well as help to ensure you dont add too much oil to the water. Similarly, scented bath beads and other items can easily add relaxing scents to your bath water. As you can see, there are many methods of using aromatherapy that go beyond simply using candles to add a little scent to your home. So, if you have interest in aromatherapy, explore a little more and see what method works best for you. Aromatherapy Methods is a post from: Health And Beauty Advice


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the 15/03/2010 at 01:17

the 08/03/2010 at 16:19