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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag "longman pearson"

December 2018

Ann Hogue - Pearson / Longman - First Steps in Academic Writing (Первые шаги в академическом английском) [2008, PDF, ENG] ::

First Steps in Academic Writing (Первые шаги в академическом английском) picГод выпуска: 2008 г. Автор: Ann Hogue Категория: Учебное пособие Серия: Academic Writing Разработчик: Pearson / Longman Издатель: Pearson / Longman Язык курса: Английский Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы Кол-во страниц: 229 ISBN: 0132414880 Описание: Пособие по академическому английскому. Предназначено для студентов (аспирантов), обучающихся а англоязычных университетах. Уровень - от high-beginning до low-intermediate. Описание на английском: The second edition of First Steps in Academic Writing, by Ann Hogue, provides high-beginning to low-intermediate students with essential tools to master basic academic writing. The text's time-proven approach integrates paragraph organization, sentence structure, grammar, mechanics, and the writing process. First Steps leads students to build strong academic writing skills that will last them throughout their writing careers. Features: -A step-by-step approach guides students seamlessly through the writing process. -Clear, succinct explanations help students to understand and apply key conepts and rules. -Numerous models and varied practice support students at all stages of writing. -NEW Try It Out! exercises give students opportunities to assess mastery of new skills. -NEW journal writing activities help students build literacy. -NEW self-editing and peer editing worksheets motivate students to revise. Скриншоты Доп. информация: 2nd Edition Все книги этой серии: -Level 1 Fundamentals of Academic Writing -Level 2 First Steps in Academic Writing (настоящая книга) -Level 3 Introduction to Academic Writing, Third Edition -Level 4 Writing Academic English, Fourth Edition

Longman Cutting Edge Education CD-ROMs (Starter, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate) [ISO][2007] ::

Longman Cutting Edge Education CD-ROMs (Starter, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate) [ISO] xГод выпуска: 2007 Автор: Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor Издательство: Pearson Longman Описание: Millions of teachers around the world appreciate Cutting Edge for its fun, thorough, communicative approach. Now it has even more to offer with new editions, new self-study CD-ROMs and software for the interactive whiteboard. What’s special about New Cutting Edge? The new editions contain all the ingredients that made the original edition so popular – a thorough grammar syllabus, plenty of vocabulary work and engaging speaking tasks. Based on feedback from teachers around the world, the new editions have been thoroughly updated with new texts and tasks, additional practice material and a whole range of other exciting features. * Challenge your students with the new ‘Study, Practice, Remember’ sections * Motivate your students with the new self-study CD-ROMs which provide additional grammar and vocabulary practice, plus ‘Real life’ video sequences * Engage your students with New Cutting Edge Digital – exciting new software for the interactive whiteboard. Teacher Support * Make your lessons varied and interesting using the Teacher’s Book with step-by-step teaching notes and loads of photocopiable activities * Get as much test material as you want using the Test Master CD-ROM – fully editable tests for all stages of the course * Make your lessons even more engaging and student-centred using New Cutting Edge Digital – software for the interactive whiteboard * Excite your students with rich, cultural content using the documentary-style videos and accompanying workbooks * Make lesson planning easier using the Companion Website - worksheets, webquests, Common European Framework benchmarking documents all available at Доп. информация: CD выложены в ISO-формате, можно либо установить программу на жесткий диск (setup.exe), либо работать прямо с диска (в окошке автозапуска "Run from CD" или на диске CuttingEdge.exe).

July 2018

New Opportunities Beginner: Teacher's book.pdf; Students' Book.pdf with Mini-Dictionary.pdf; Language Powerbook .pdf; Class Cassettes 1,2,3 & Text Cassette.mp3; Test master CD ::

Год выпуска: 2006 Жанр: Английский язык Издательство: Pearson Education LIMITED 2006 Язык курса: Английский язык Описание: Based on feedback from teachers and students around the world, New Opportunities now comes with new features and components to make your lessons even more motivating and successful. For more information visit www. longman. com/dictionaries

June 2018

Pearson Longman - Betty Schrampfer Azar - Understanding and using English Grammar [2005] ::

Pearson Longman - Betty Schrampfer Azar - Understanding and using English Grammar pic Год выпуска: 2005 Разработчик/Издатель : Pearson Longman Категория : Мультимедиакурс Язык интерфейса : Английский Описание: Очень хороший и качественный, а также живенький курс английской грамматики, основанный на массе упражнений с применением listening, speaking, writing, т.е. помимо грамматики и расширения словарного запаса улучшаются и эти навыки.

Michael Rost - Longman English Interactive 1 [2006, ISO] ::

Longman English Interactive 1 pic Год выпуска: 2006 Автор: Michael Rost Издательство: Pearson Формат: 2CD + PDF (Scope and Sequence) Описание: Longman English Interactive 1 is the entry level of a 4-level, video-based, integrated skills program that includes over 100 hours of instruction per level. The program provides presentation and practice in grammar, speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading and writing. Key Features * Contemporary video with engaging characters presents real language in context * Ongoing student assessment allows teachers and students to monitor progress * Living Grammar dynamically illustrates how grammar works Скриншоты: скрытый текст ВНИМАНИЕ! 16.04.2009 в торрент добавлено обновление (longman_update_v6_us.exe), необходимое для корректной работы программы. Апдейт необходимо устанавливать только один раз для всех частей серии. Longman English Interactive 2 Longman English Interactive 3 Longman English Interactive 4

Michael Rost - Longman English Interactive 2 [2006, ISO] ::

Longman English Interactive 2 pic Год выпуска: 2006 Автор: Michael Rost Издательство: Pearson Формат: 2CD+PDF (Scope and Sequence) Описание: Longman English Interactive 2 is the beginner level of a 4-level, video-based, integrated skills program that includes over 100 hours of instruction per level. The program provides presentation and practice in grammar, speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading and writing. Key Features * Online access anytime, anywhere * Contemporary video with engaging characters presents real language in context * Ongoing student assessment allows teachers and students to monitor progress * Living Grammar dynamically illustrates how grammar works ВНИМАНИЕ! 17.04.2009 в торрент добавлено обновление (longman_update_v6_us.exe), необходимое для корректной работы программы. Апдейт необходимо устанавливать только один раз для всех частей серии. Longman English Interactive 1 Longman English Interactive 3 Longman English Interactive 4

(Английский язык) Evans V., Dooley J. - New Round Up 5 [2011, PDF, MP3, NRG, ENG] ::

New Round Up 5 pic Год выпуска: 2011 г. Автор: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Категория: УМК Издатель: Pearson Longman Язык курса: Английский Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы Кол-во страниц: 211 + 89 ISBN: 978-1-4082-3499-0, 978-1-4082-3500-3 Аудио кодек: MP3 Битрейт аудио: 128 kbps Описание: 5-й уровень из 7-уровнего курса английского языка. Описание на английском: Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up. Clear, grammar tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learners. Lessons in New Round-Up contain a variety of games and written exercises. Each Students' Book now comes with an interactive student CD-ROM containing additional practice activities, games and listening exercises. This unique 7 level program provides age appropriate grammar instruction for Primary through Secondary students and can be used in class, for homework and for revision. You can either install the program to your computer or run it directly from the CD-ROM. Состав раздачи: - Students' Book + Audio - Teacher's Book - CD-Rom

(Английский язык) Evans V., Dooley J. - New Round Up 1 Teacher's book(Книга учителя), Student's Book(Книга ученика)+Audio CD[2010, PDF, MP3, ENG] ::

New Round-Up 1 Teacher's book, Student's Book+Audio CD pic Год выпуска: 2010 г. Автор: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Издатель: Pearson Longman Язык курса: Английский Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста Кол-во страниц: 131 (Student's Book)+66 (Teacher's book) ISBN: 978-1- 4058-8884-4(Student's Book), 978-1-4058-8885-1(Teacher's book) Аудио кодек: MP3 Битрейт аудио: 128 kbps Формат Описание: Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up. Clear, grammar tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learners. Lessons in New Round-Up contain a variety of games and written exercises. Each Students' Book now comes with an interactive student CD-ROM containing additional practice activities, games and listening exercises. This unique 7 level program provides age appropriate grammar instruction for Primary through Secondary students and can be used in class, for homework and for revision. Round-Up этo красочные, увлекательные пособия пo английской грамматикe, давнo ставшиe самыми популярными среди российскиx учителей и школьников. Round Up - серия пособий по грамматике для школьников 7 уровней сложности (от начального до высокого уровня - beginner - upper-intermediate), сочетающий игры с системным изучением грамматики. Красочные рамки и таблицы четко представляют основные грамматические правила. Великолепно иллюстрированные упражнения и игры превращают изучение грамматики в увлекательное занятие. Тренировочные тесты выявляют индивидуальные трудности учащихся. Разделы «Повторение» и «Мой шаг вперед» обобщают и закрепляют полученные знания. CD-ROM ы содержат дополнительные упражнения и игры. В Книге для учителя помещены ключи к упражнениям и дополнительные тесты.

Pearson Brasil - Página inicial | Facebook

Pearson Brasil 3 h · Um educador nunca para seu aprendizado e foi com essa missão que a vencedora do #ELTTeacherAward, profª. Leila Jauch, foi à Brighton, na Inglaterra. Lá, ela teve a oportunidade de compartilhar seu apredizado e, ainda, se inspirar para transformar cada vez mais a educação de seus alunos. Dá só uma olhada no recado que ela deixou a todos nós:

May 2018

JJ Wilson, Antonia Clare - Total English Advanced - Teacher's book [2007, PDF, ENG] ::

Total English Advanced - Teacher's book pic Год выпуска: 2007 г. Автор: JJ Wilson, Antonia Clare Издатель: Pearson Education Язык курса: Английский Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста Кол-во страниц: 223 ISBN: 978-o-582-84t73-4 Описание: Total English is a new course for young adults and adults. It provides solutions to the challenges teachers and students face every day with a complete package of effective, easy-to-use resources. Teacher's Book к учебному пособию

Total English Advanced - Student's Book, 2 Audio CDs, Workbook, CD-ROM [2007, PDF+MP3] ::

Total English Advanced - Student's Book, 2 Audio CDs, Workbook, CD-ROM pic Год выпуска: 2007 Автор: JJ Wilson, Antonia Clare Издательство: Pearson Education ISBN: 978-0-5882-84171-0; 978-1-4058-2259-6 Формат: PDF, MP3 (128 kbs), файлы CD-ROM Качество: Отсканированные страницы Количество страниц: 177+98 Описание: Total English is a new course for young adults and adults. It provides solutions to the challenges teachers and students face every day with a complete package of effective, easy-to-use resources. Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD (отсутствует) with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM (не требует установки) with extra practice for students who miss lessons.

Wavelength Intermediate (Coursebook+Audio, Workbook+Audio, Reader, Teacher's book) [2001, PDF] ::

Wavelength Intermediate (Coursebook+Audio, Workbook+Audio, Reader, Teacher's book) pic Год выпуска: 2001 Автор: Burke, Kathy and Rowdon, Ben Издательство: Longman Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы Аудио: 96 kbps, 44.1 KHz, 2 channels Количество страниц: 158+108+32 Описание: 16 topic-based units which cover the main grammar and vocabulary areas Free reader with every level containing original stories linked to the 'Reading for Pleasure' pages 'Wavelength Page' - a free standing lesson at the end of every unit, devoted to conversational English, functional English, the four skills and revision Strong grammar syllabus - separate grammar reference and puzzle sections for extra support and practice Vivid situations, drama, quizzes, cartoons and real-life people capture students' imagination

Big Science 3: Teacher's Book | Learning English Together

Big Science is an inquiry-basedscience course for Primary English Language Learners. It's a great option for schools that teach science in English. They can explore, learn and discover science through English.

April 2018

Poptropica English Islands 2: Pupil's Book | Learning English Together

Poptropica English Islands 2: Pupil's Book Published by: Anonymous on Yesterday, 13:50 | Views: 4691 16 ⇧ Share Engage young learners like never before. - Poptropica English Island is a multiple-level course for children learning English as a foreign language in Primary schools. - The level, content and pace make it suitable for use in Primary schools with typically 5 or more lessons of English per week. - Poptropica English Island offers best practice methodology in the classroom whilst offering teachers and pupils an innovative digital environment.

Poptropica English Islands 1: Test Booklet | Learning English Together

Poptropica English Islands 1: Test Booklet Published by: Anonymous on Today, 00:35 | Views: 85 0 Share Poptropica English Islands is a semi-intensive course developed to engage, motivate and involve young learners of English. It combines a solid ELT methodology including exciting stories, adventures and quests with a dynamic, pupil-centered Online World. The vocabulary and grammar syllabus has been developed in line with external exam topics, specifically aimed at YLE, Key and Trinity. Poptropica English Islands, Pre-A1 - A2+

(2) Poptropica English Islands Course Overview - YouTube

Poptropica English Islands Course Overview 722 visualizações 8 1 Compartilhar Pearson English Publicado em 5 de dez de 2017 Watch this video for a short introduction to the new Poptropica English Islands course. It includes the key course features and highlights new components

Poptropica English Islands

Engage young learners like never before Poptropica English Islands is a multiple-level course for children learning English as a foreign language in Primary schools. The level, content and pace make it suitable for use in Primary schools with typically 5 or more lessons of English per week. Poptropica English Islands offers best practice methodology in the classroom whilst offering teachers and pupils an innovative digital environment.

Big Science 2: Teacher's Book | Learning English Together

Big Science is an inquiry-basedscience course for Primary English Language Learners. It's a great option for schools that teach science in English. They can explore, learn and discover science through English.

Short Guide to Writing about Literature | Learning English Together

Short Guide to Writing about Literature Part of Longman's successful Short Guide Series, A Short Guide to Writing about Literature emphasizes writing as a process and incorporates new critical approaches to writing about literature. The twelfth edition continues to offer students sound advice on how to become critical thinkers and enrich their reading response through accessible, step-by-step instruction. This highly respected text is ideal as a supplement to any course where writing about literature or literary studies is emphasized

Wider World 3: Tests | Learning English Together

Wider World 3: Tests Wider World is a new, 5-level course which provides secondary students not just with the ability to communicate well in English and to pass exams with good grades but also with the skills and confidence to participate as educated citizens in the global community of the 21st century – with all its unique challenges and opportunities.

(Адаптированная аудиокнига) Lewis Carroll /Льюис Кэрролл - Alice in Wonderland / Алиса в стране чудес (Penguin Readers Level 2) [2008, PDF+MP3, ENG] ::

Lewis Carroll — Alice in Wonderland (Level 2) pic обновлено 15 марта 2012 - Добавила дополнительные материалы к книге. Год выпуска: 2008 Автор: Lewis Carroll Жанр: Адаптированная аудиокнига / Classics Издательство: Pearson ELT Серия: Penguin Readers ISBN: 9781405855358 Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы Формат аудио:MP3 Качество аудио: 112 kbps, 32 kHz, stereo Количество страниц: 56 Язык: British English pic Описание: One hot summer day, Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit–hole — and arrives in ‘Wonderland’. Here, caterpillars can talk and rabbits have watches. And the Queen wants to cut off everybody’s head! Одним летним днём Алиса увидела белого кролика и побежала за ним...

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