public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tag academic

15 October 2006

Welcome to the Information Processing Content Web Site

very useful lesson plans for Internet theory and use, digital photograph, desktop publishing

Martin Ryder, tech teacher website

Scroll down to bottom of page to links to his useful bibliographies/links on topics like postmodernism, semiotics, etc.

11 October 2006

Main Page - AcademicBlogs

by 1 other
A wiki about academic blogs, with links to blogs in each academic area of study

10 October 2006

09 October 2006

Semiotics for Beginners by Daniel Chandler

semiotics, like connotation, and metaphor and metonymy are terms that convey how images bear meaning; valuable for anyone interested in film and photography

Film Resources

a teacher's well annotated links page for film studies, updated 2003

Hugh McCarney

list of his courses, each of which has many film and communications studies essays available in full text form

06 October 2006


by 1 other
a Danish journal of film studies

Internet Public Library:

by 1 other
links listed in "subject areas" selected at left of screen

Jahn: PPP/Narratology

Manfred Jahn Narratology: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative

The Media and Communications Studies Site

gateway to media information, including narratology, listed under textual analysis

ideas site - craig stroupe

ideas explored to aid in teaching culture, web design, writing

Composing Cyberspace, by Rich Holeton

website for book, with sections on knowledge, community, and identity; does not have text of book but many useful questions, links, and resources

05 October 2006 course archive

"Archived course Web sites presented "as is," including student work good and bad, sections left un-updated, and typos." Attractive and useful pedagogical use of Internet in teaching.

rutgers english: cyberlit

attractive website for course, including online versions of student projects

Literary Resources on the Net (Lynch)

updated 2006. Topics include historical periods for British and U.S. Literature, Theatre and Drama, Theory, Women's Literature & Feminism, Ethnicities & Nationalities, Hypertext