public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags academic & internet

October 2006

Virtual Society? Projects

"the social science of electronic technologies"; links to major projects on Internet research

Marie-Laure Ryan

homepage of scholar with many of her essays on narrative theory and electronic textuality available in full text form.

Department of Anthropology

The University of Alabama's Anthropology Department has links to course materials, lectures, resources developed by students, and outside links. A model for Internet academic resources institutionally.

Flow Conference 2006

Oct 06. Innovative academic TV site, Flow, has upcoming conversational conference coming at end of month. Contributors submit short position papers, available for downloading.

DIY Media Weblog

new blog as of Sept 06, good authors; participatory democracy in Internet communications

net critique » Interview with Alan Liu

Liu is author of "The Laws of Cool: Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information" -- Distributed Aesthetics

expanded discussion of a workshop on this topic. See "theses" by Munster and Lovink

Critique of Ranking and Listing; Exchange with Kenneth C. Werbin

"Our increasing emphasis on quantitative reductions, like ranking lists, at the expense of critically engaged qualitative thought, can be seen as bottom-line strategies for efficiently navigating our increasingly .. networked cybernetic order."

course outline on space, place, and landscape in contemporary art

You will need to cut and paste URLs into your browser, but there is much here to followup on in terms of bibliography and links.

Martin Irvine, Georgetown University

useful website of communication, culture, and technology professor; many links to courses,lectures, slideshows and essays on art, visual culture, media theory

September 2006

Blogs and Community – launching a new paradigm for online community? at The Knowledge Tree

theoretical discussion of the different ways blogs join those with potentially common interests

August 2006

Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net

interesting left theory online journal--"exploring culture and politics after the net"

July 2006 Metrics, registered users and social ecosystems

good discussion of the difference in user expectations of various social software sites

Mark Tribe: The Internet as a Space for Art Making

course at Columbia University, spring 2004. many good Internet resources and links.

Douglas Kellner site

important writer on critical theory, cultural studies