public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags academic & essays

October 2006

September 2006

Lev Manovich - Avant-garde as Software

The 1920s avant garde "revolution" in film, arts, typography, and architecture has become part of computer hard- and software design; new media does not now provide new ways of seeing but radically new ways of using already accumulated media.

MiT4 abstracts and papaers

conference at MIT in 05 on the work of stories

Continuum Contents

online film journal from Australia

Film Bibliographies: Media Resources Center UCB

Good place to start research for both scholars and students, comprehensive resource collection for film studies at UC-Berkeley: Bibliographies here for many film/TV Topics,Themes, Genres, Directors; on National Cinemas; and on Individual Films/Videos; Ful

Film Studies Resources - Academic Info

useful site with lots of resources: bibliographies, "digital library" links, academic programs listed; full text artices; Online Film Collections, Archives, Themes: women, genre, theory; Film History, silent and sound eras, International--by region; Indiv

August 2006

MPI - Participant Rooms

excellent set of academic online essays related to "global and local factors that enable/constrain cultural production and resignification/resistance by a varierty of media audiences"

Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net

interesting left theory online journal--"exploring culture and politics after the net"

eLearn: Feature Article

by 1 other
good overview of shifts in edtech to new kinds of networked learning

July 2006

Robert Haller Publications

writings of Robert Haller on avant-garde film and filmmakers

Cinematic Expression Film Theory, Haim Callev

useful links to listservs, online film essays


important journal covering independent and avant-garde films; complete index; online essays begin with issue no. 26, fall 1992


Danah Boyd's blog specifically for commenting on all the basic readings she did for her PhD exams

Bright Lights Film Journal | Welcome!

by 1 other
attractive online journal with especially good coverage of avant-garde, gay and lesbian, and documentary film


cultural theory, literature, media--from the perspective of a Latin Americanist

Scope | About

online film journal with extensive book reviews of film scholarship

timescape syllabus

course outline with interesting links, especially lecture notes: "Since the birth of cinema, architectural and urban space, and ideas of landscape have played a crucial role in the visual representation of space on screen."

Tagwebs, Flickr, and the Human Brain (by Jakob Lodwick)

by 11 others
By looking at how we tag photos on Flickr, we can understand how humans process information. Feb, 2005

Film Sound Design - Film Sound Theory

art and analysis of film sound; interviews with sound designers of feature films

Film-Philosophy ejournal

by 3 others
has critical discussions from readers, with past entries summarized; good roundup of current journal and publications

City of Sadness by Hou Hsiao-Hsien

a large hypertextual site with an analysis of the Taiwan classic film in its various aspects, especially social/historical and aesthetic; an early example of the possibilities of using the Internet for in-depth film analysis and yet to be surpassed