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PUBLIC MARKS from dave_beasley_64 with tag stress

July 2009

You Can Survive Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

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Postpartum depression is very different from the “baby blues,” a normal period of emotional fluctuation and tearfulness  in the first few weeks following the birth of a child. However, for 10 percent (or more) of new moms, symptoms be...

Side Effects Using Anti Anxiety Medication

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There are many types of anti-anxiety medication since drugs are usually the first to use when suffering from an intense and unexpected panic attack. However, tranquilizers represent just a temporary relief method that can only be used in perfect safety...

Alternative Anxiety Treatment For People Who Want Their Lives Back

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Alternative anxiety treatment is a healthy way to get your life back. If you’re tired of being plagued by fear and anxiety, then you ready to start discovering what it’s like to be in charge, rather than letting negative emotions control yo...

Benefits of healing anxiety

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Having an anxiety issue can certainly interfere with your life to the point where you feel hard done by and isolated from others that seem to be flying high and getting on with things. I have sat in therapy groups where people have complained endlessly...

Anxiety: Is it All in Your Head?

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Anxiety: Is it All in Your Head? *What is anxiety, and when is it more than natural worry? We all feel anxious and worried at times. Our bodies are naturally wired with the so-called fight-or-flight mechanism which is triggered in response to stressful...

June 2009

Dealing with stress and anxiety

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Are you worrying too much? When is it that anxiety is too much? To give an answer to these questions, you might have to recess your comprehending of anxiety and stress, and the way they hurt and help you. Why are you worrying? Anxiety and stress posses...

How to Cure Anxiety Problems

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Anxiety problems can overwhelm us and leave us feeling out of control. They feel as though we are driven to act like this, strengthen with every ‘attack’ and lead to constant searching for reasons and answers. Involving self-doubt, insecuri...

Panic relief! - Find out How to Relax and relieve Anxiety!

by 4 others
Imagery: Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Think of a place where you would feel very comfortable and safe, such as lying on a beach, in a field, or in a forest. Whatever image you like is fine. Concentrate on this place and pay atten...

How to Overcome Anxiety While Driving

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If you’re feeling anxious at just the thought of driving, chances are getting on the freeway is enough to tip you into a full blown panic attack.  You’re not alone and there IS help, so listen up.  Anxiety while driving is way more common than yo...

End Anxiety and Panic Attack Once & For All:

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Why are you worried? Because you fear for the worst! When a negative thought pops into your head replace it with a neutral thought instead. 96% of worries never happen. Be open to the idea that there will most likely be a positive outcome to any given ...

Natural Herbs for Anxiety

by 4 others
If you’ve been trying to stop your overwhelming anxiety for any length of time, you’re probably already familiar with some of the more common strategies.  Breathing techniques, mental exercises and finding physical outlets for stress are just a fe...

Anxiety Disorder - What If You Can Overcome Insecurity and Overdepency?

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Here is a list of five questions to help you assess whether the particular trait applies to you. The remainder of the article describes the characteristic in more detail and suggest how to overcome the problems. Answer true or false: • It’s ver...

April 2009

Anxiety And Depression Medications To A Healthy Mindset

Anxiety and depression medications are prescribed to sufferers to alleviate anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are different conditions, nevertheless they are similar in the sense of the intensity of how serious these conditions can be. The...

Panic Attacks In Children - 3 Signs

by 1 other
We want our children to be happy, joyful, and energetic. We want them to live fulfilling and productive lives. What more could we ask for as parents? However, bringing up our children in the world of today subjects them to many pressures to act and thi...

Some Natural Anxiety Cures Worth Trying

by 3 others
For those who suffer from anxiety this can lead to their lives being severely effected. As well as many having to cope with high blood pressure, many more will find that they have problems sleeping and in some cases may suddenly start to gain weight. ...

Panic Attacks In Children - 3 Signs

We want our children to be happy, joyful, and energetic. We want them to live fulfilling and productive lives. What more could we ask for as parents? However, bringing up our children in the world of today subjects them to many pressures to act and thi...

The Most Common Three Types Of Anxiety Disorders

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If you suffer from anxiety, you may want to know about the three different types of anxiety disorders and their symptoms.

Steer Clear Of Possible Anxiety Disorders

by 4 others
Among today's agitated schedules, rough relationships, job interviews, and the several matters that could perplex our life, it is perfectly typical for an individual to worry. However, once the worries get too much for you to deal and you feel like su...

Why Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment Is A Must

by 3 others
Social anxiety is a psychological condition, which causes overwhelming fear of situations or events which may require social interaction or performance in front of people. Some common symptoms that this anxiety activates are blushing, sweating, rapid h...

What is the Link Between Anger and Depression

by 2 others
Depression and anxiety are said to be the causes of uncontrollable anger. When a person is constantly worried about things they have no control over or even things they do have control over, it often causes depression. If you feel that, there is no ho...

How To Function Better With Stress Management

by 1 other
Bad events have invariably been a component in managing stress and being fit to deal with the tension that comes with change. Life adjustments, in any form, can be dealth with in one of two fashions - either it is welcomed or it is unwelcome. Individua...

Change and Manage Stress

by 1 other
Difficult times have incessantly been a factor in stress management and being competent to deal with the strain that comes with these alterations in our life. Change, in whatever form, can be dealth with in one of two fashions - either it is received o...

Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder

by 2 others
If you think that you might suffer from social anxiety disorder then there are some symptoms that you might want to keep an eye open for. If you are able to recognize these symptoms of social anxiety disorder with any degree of consistency this may be ...

About Anxiety and Depression

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Anxiety and depression are two separate conditions. The exact relationship between the two is still under study.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder

by 2 others
If you suspect that you suffer from social anxiety disorder, there are a few symptoms you will want to be on the lookout for. If you notice these systems of social anxiety disorder with any kind of consistency now may be an excellent time to give some ...