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PUBLIC MARKS from dave_beasley_64 with tag anxiety

July 2009

Dealing With Stress

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Dealing With Stress in Your Life Having a bit of stress in your life is normal and you should know this, but when it starts to become too much and feel as though you are losing control, you know that it is time for you to do something about it and th...

The Use Of Anti Anxiety Medication

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In our busy lives it’s very easy to ignore any situation that’s unpleasant or even uncomfortable. However what should you do if suddenly you become anxious without any known cause? There are people who become housebound due to their fear o...

Purchasing Discounted Anxiety Medications

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The Internet offers real benefits to consumers by fostering competition and lowering prices for many goods and services, this includes the many types of anxiety medications that come at discounted rates. This is truly a blessing to many, considering t...

Managing Fear And Anxiety

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HOW TO MANAGE ANXIETY, CONTROL FEAR, OVERCOME FRIGHT, PANIC, WORRY (Based on author’s site Fear, anxiety are controllable. Panic, worry, fright can be rid of. Knowing what are, how work, fear, anxiety, helps solve problems,...

Anxiety And Driving - Tips to Beating Your Driving Anxiety

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Driving anxiety is one of the most terrifying experiences that can happen to you while on the road. You could be driving your usual route when suddenly; you started feeling “weird”. It could start with a tiny heart flutter and before you kn...

Benefits of healing anxiety

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Having an anxiety issue can certainly interfere with your life to the point where you feel hard done by and isolated from others that seem to be flying high and getting on with things. I have sat in therapy groups where people have complained endlessly...

Stress Management

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A Guide to Stress Management Stress is something that most people are used to dealing with. Whether it has to do with your job, personal issues, or any other aspect of your life, you should know that a bit of stress is normal in life and you should n...

Anxiety: Is it All in Your Head?

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Anxiety: Is it All in Your Head? *What is anxiety, and when is it more than natural worry? We all feel anxious and worried at times. Our bodies are naturally wired with the so-called fight-or-flight mechanism which is triggered in response to stressful...

June 2009

Do You Stress over Your Asthmaas

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Do You Stress over Your Asthma? For those of us that experience severe asthma attacks on a regular basis, we realize that there is nothing that is quite as stressful. Even when we are not currently experiencing an asthma attack, it is probably somet...

Dealing with stress and anxiety

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Are you worrying too much? When is it that anxiety is too much? To give an answer to these questions, you might have to recess your comprehending of anxiety and stress, and the way they hurt and help you. Why are you worrying? Anxiety and stress posses...

Anxiety - Immediate Relief - Natural Technique to Stop Anxiety and Panic:

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To begin I would like you to think of a feeling that you would like to remove. Perhaps you are anxious about something, perhaps you are upset about something, or perhaps you are panicking about something. Whatever it is, choose a feeling that you are c...

May 2009

Social Anxiety Disorder Medications And Their Side Effects

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The Side Effects Of Social Anxiety Disorder Medications Anxiety disorder is the third most common psychiatric disorder after alcohol abuse and depression. There are many ways to treat the disorder, with the most common being social anxiety disorder medication. It is important to know how these medications work and how they can affect their users. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors The gentlest type of social anxiety disorder medication contains what is called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors increase the levels of serotonin in the brain, making the user feel happier and calmer. Some well-known name brands that use SSRIs are Prozac and Zoloft. The side effects of SSRIs can include headaches, dry mouth, nausea, irritability, and loss of appetite, problems sleeping, drowsiness, weight gain, shaking hands, diarrhea, and sleepiness. These are all annoying side effects, but none of them should be life threatening. Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers or psychoactive drugs that are social anxiety disorder medications that slow down the body's nervous system, giving it an all-over calm. These drugs are usually only used as a quick acting, short term solutions to symptoms. One major side effect of these drugs are that they can be addictive, so they should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Other side effects can include drowsiness, fatigue, slurred speech, weakness, memory loss, blurred vision and lightheadedness. Antidepressants Antidepressants are social anxiety disorder medications that affect the neurotransmitters in the brain. The side effects can vary depending on what antidepressant is used. One major side effect of all antidepressants is the susceptibility to suicide. The FDA has put out a warning on all antidepressants. Anyone taking them may be more susceptible to suicide, especially when they start to take them or when their dosage is changed. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are very powerful antidepressant social anxiety disorder medications that have very dangerous side effects. These drugs can be toxic when combined with certain other drugs and foods. These should be avoided unless all other forms of treatment have failed. Beta-Blockers Beta-blockers, which are used to control high blood pressure, are sometimes used as social anxiety disorder medications. These can be taken in low doses before a time when the patient believes they will have an attack. The common side effects are fatigue, nightmares, diarrhea, hypotension, nausea, cold extremities, abnormal vision, heart failure, insomnia, heart block, bronchospasm, erectile dysfunction, decreased concentration, dizziness, bradycardia, hallucinations, depression, sexual dysfunction, and dyspnea. Long Term Treatment with social anxiety disorder medications is long-term. A patient should expect to take the medication for at least a year. The treatment could be longer depending on the severity of the patient's condition and if the patient is also receiving any non-medication social anxiety disorder treatment. More Articles about Social Anxiety Disorder Post from: Main Causes Of Stress Social Anxiety Disorder Medications And Their Side Effects

April 2009

Can Stress Cause Memory Loss

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A question many have been asking lately is if stress can cause memory loss. The body reacts to deal with stress in many situations. Cortisol is a horomone that is released by the brain and it provides energy to your body to take action in our limbs a...

Anxiety Panic Attacks - 5 Tips To Eliminate Them

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On a day to day basis, it is not uncommon for many of us to experience stress. It is an unavoidable part of life. Unfortunately, some of us deal with a condition that, while similar, is in fact one heck of a lot more than simple stress. Anxiety panic a...

Anxiety And Depression Medications To A Healthy Mindset

Anxiety and depression medications are prescribed to sufferers to alleviate anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are different conditions, nevertheless they are similar in the sense of the intensity of how serious these conditions can be. The...

Thinking About Anger Management

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It is worth reviewing anger and aggression to have a deeper understanding of our emotions and work toward anger management. Often when a person feels frustrated he or she is subject to explode when their emotions are heightened. Frustration does not oc...

Handle Anxiety By Knowing Common Causes For Anxiety

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Akin to unmitigated conditions and their symptoms, there's no distinguished anxiety cause. Common causes for anxiety can be numerous. Knowing the common causes of anxiety is important in able to acquire the right treatment for anxiety and panic attacks.

The Chair Massage: Bringing Stress Relief To Where You Are!

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David Palmer is credited with the creation of the on-site massage about twenty years ago. This form of massage is meant for those of us who just can't get in enough time for a full body massage but suddenly find themselves with fifteen to thirty minute...

The Very Accessible Chair Massage For Stress Relief!

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David Palmer is credited with the creation of the on-site massage about twenty years ago. This form of massage is meant for those of us who just can't get in enough time for a full body massage but suddenly find themselves with fifteen to thirty minute...

About Anxiety Disorders

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These debilitating episodes are more likely to occur during times of high stress.

Managing Stress for Women

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Studies show that women become easily worried as men due to so many elements in their daily lives and this is why, compared to males, they want competent stress direction for them to stay vibrant, youthful, and constructive towards life. This is why wo...

Stay On Guard With Prescribed Anxiety Medications

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Anxiety is experienced by everyone at least at one point of their lives. Anxiety maintains our alertness and helps us better handle stressful events which we may encounter. if we turn anxiety into a positive thing, it can help us focus more on studying...

Recognizing Panic Attack Symptoms

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It is a frequent occurrence for almost one third of America to experience an anxiety disorder. This can negatively affect their lives in countless ways, and finding a treatment or cure should be top priority on every sufferers list. It is unfortunate t...

Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder

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If you think that you might suffer from social anxiety disorder then there are some symptoms that you might want to keep an eye open for. If you are able to recognize these symptoms of social anxiety disorder with any degree of consistency this may be ...

About Anxiety and Depression

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Anxiety and depression are two separate conditions. The exact relationship between the two is still under study.