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PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tag php

August 2009

Home - csscaffold - GitHub

by 3 others
CSScaffold is a CSS framework written in PHP. Rather than try and create a static framework that uses the standard abilities of CSS, like Blueprint, it uses PHP to extend CSS. The syntax looks and feels exactly like CSS, except that you have some new, powerful abilities. The best part is that all of this is done transparently. You can drop Scaffold into your site and you’ll instantly have access to all of its functionality.

July 2009

Videopian - Upian Source

by 4 others
La classe PHP Videopian permet de récupérer les informations d'une vidéo hébergée sur un service de partage de vidéos à partir de son URL.

Open Atrium

by 9 others
Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations. It comes with six features - a blog, a wiki, a calendar, a to do list, a shoutbox, and a dashboard to manage it all.

odtPHP - Génération de documents OpenOffice en PHP

by 5 others (via)
OdtPHP est une bibliothèque orientée objet pour PHP 5 . Elle permet de générer automatiquement des documents OpenOffice textes à partir de modèles. Vous pouvez l'utiliser directement au sein de vos scripts PHP sans installer OpenOffice.

PHP Typography 1.0 beta 3

PHP Typog­ra­phy is a PHP based solu­tion to greatly improve web typog­ra­phy. It fea­tures the fol­low­ing capa­bil­i­ties (includ­ing gran­u­lar con­trol): * Hyphen­ation * Spac­ing con­trol, includ­ing: glu­ing val­ues to units, widow pro­tec­tion, and forced inter­nal wrap­ping of long URLs & email addresses. * Intel­li­gent char­ac­ter replace­ment, includ­ing smart han­dling of: quote marks, dashes, ellipses, trade­marks, mul­ti­pli­ca­tion sym­bols, frac­tions, and ordi­nal suf­fixes (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd) * CSS hooks for styling: amper­sands (class “amp”), acronyms (class “caps”), num­bers (class “num­bers”), ini­tial sin­gle quotes (class “quo”), and ini­tial dou­ble quotes & guillemets (class “dquo”).

Internationalization in PHP 5.3

PHP 5.3 has been recently released and one of the new features in core is the internationalization extension. It allows you to support a multitude of languages and local formats much easier than before, without having to learn all the tiny the details of local formats and rules.

June 2009

Face detection in pure PHP (without OpenCV) - Maurice Bloggue

by 3 others
J'ai récemment cherché une solution pour faire de la détection de visage en PHP. Après avec écarté plusieurs solutions qui ne sont pas facilement utilisable sur la plupart des hébergeurs, j'ai finalement porté du code Javascript Canvas vers PHP GD. Le résultat une class PHP qui est un peu lente, mais qui fonctionne sur la plupart des serveurs PHP.

Déceler une requête Ajax en Php | Jay Salvat, le Blog

Il n'existe pas de moyen automatique d'identifier ces requêtes. Les principales librairies javascript comme Prototype ou jQuery s'accordent pour envoyer un paramètre dans l'en-tête HTTP de la requête afin qu'elle puisse être reconnue. Ce paramètre est X-Requested-With : XMLHttpRequest. Tirons partie de cette information pour faire la fonction Php adéquate.

March 2009

R&OS: pdf class

by 4 others
a PHP class which will allow the easy production of simple pdf documents...

Supprimer les accents des caractères accentués ‹ PHP ‹ Weirdog-Blog

Nous utilisons simplement htmlentities() pour échapper les caractères exotiques puis remplaçons les expressions échappées grâce à de savantes expressions régulières

February 2009

Pluf : Pluf, PHP WebApp Framework

Simple, elegant and easy for people used to Django but in PHP5 so easy to deploy all over the world.

POMPAGE - Déclarations XHTML

by 1 other
Utiliser PHP pour proposer soit du XHTML 1.1 avec un type MIME application/xhtml xml aux navigateurs qui le comprennent et agissent en conséquence (comme Mozilla), soit un XHTML 1.0 Strict avec un type MIME text/html aux autres navigateurs (tels que IE).

January 2009

pChart | a PHP Charting library

by 7 others
pChart is a PHP class oriented framework designed to create aliased charts. Most of todays chart libraries have a cost, our project is intended to be free. Data can be retrieved from SQL queries, CSV files, or manually provided. This project is still under development and new features or fix are made every week.

Pims Labs | Technology & cookies

Pims Labs est le blog des développeurs de Pims. Pims est un projet de plate-forme applicative Web, Open Source, soutenu en grande partie par l’agence Periscope Creations. Pims est déjà bien avancé dans sa conception et sa réalisation, nous libérerons ses sources cette année 2009. En attendant, notre équipe de développeurs communique sur ce blog.

November 2008

PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

by 10 others, 3 comments
# A HTML DOM parser written in PHP5 let you manipulate HTML in a very easy way! # Require PHP 5 . # Supports invalid HTML. # Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery. # Extract contents from HTML in a single line.

Qcodo - PHP Development Framework

by 7 others
The Qcodo Development Framework is an open-source PHP 5 framework that focuses on freeing developers from unnecessary tedious, mundane coding. The result is that developers can do what they do best: focus on implementing functionality and usability, improving performance and ensuring security.

October 2008

Blobsy: MSN Messenger bot framework

Blobsy is an Open Source MSN Messenger bot, designed for easy setup, flexibility and ease of use. It is highly customizable and adding more functionality is extremely easy. It is freely distributable under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

September 2008

CSS Colors: Take Control Using PHP

by 6 others (via)
While many web sites use powerful programming environments to create HTML, these same tools are usually ignored when it comes to creating Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This article describes how to take control of your colors in CSS using PHP.

An alternative to sIFR: Facelift Image Replacement | Breathe new life into your web pages

by 13 others
Facelift Image Replacement (or FLIR, pronounced fleer) is an image replacement script that dynamically generates image representations of text on your web page in fonts that otherwise might not be visible to your visitors. The generated image will be automatically inserted into your web page via Javascript and visible to all modern browsers. Any element with text can be replaced: from headers to span elements and everything in between!

July 2008

June 2008