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February 2007

Apostrophes ou guillemets : lesquels choisir ? - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

by titoumimi & 1 other
Utilisation d'une chaîne : avec des guillemets, avec des apostrophes ??? Lesquels choisir ? Nous allons voir ici les différences d'utilisation entre les deux, à vous après de faire votre choix en toute connaissance de cause.

January 2007


by blackgoldfish
「既然過去已經不在了,而未來還沒有到來,過去和未來又怎麼可能存在?至於現在,如果現在永遠停留在現在、而不會變成過去的話,他就不是時間,而是永恆。」-- 奧古斯丁

Innovation rhymes with "inspiration"

by alex_apac
Innovation is not a process. It’s creating an environment that helps teams of people quickly build trust and relationships. Then people have the right framework to create.

December 2006

quote from Oprah Winfrey

by blackgoldfish
"...and as you become clearer about who you really are, you'll be better able to decide what is best for you -- the first time around."

The Hilltop Heart

by blackgoldfish
...So that the singing I heard you may hear too.

November 2006

sHoot foR tHe mooN

by blackgoldfish
"shoot for the moon -- even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

Life Insurance Quote

by kromakirk
[converted to Unicode] [...]ing databases. Like the Star Trek slogan of the Borg, "Resistance is Futile." All the while, down deep there?s a gnawing suspicion that whatever we reveal will be used against us. Nowhere is that insecurity clearer than on [..

Since it is written in books

by bachodi
Concepts need not be valid just because they are told in books (holy books especially ;-))), mythologies etc. Nor things are right if they are modern. Gentlemen test and then trust, fools believe what is told and written.


by blackgoldfish

October 2006

『盛夏光年』(Eternal Summer)

by blackgoldfish

唯有留不住 by 夏瑞紅

by blackgoldfish

September 2006

by castorette
quote database home

what a normal day...

by blackgoldfish
"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are."-- - Mary Augustine

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