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PUBLIC MARKS with tag quote

September 2006

happy thoughts

by blackgoldfish
"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. "

August 2006

Murmures chinois

by originaliko & 1 other
Ce sont ces petites phrases, ces morceaux de conversation que l'on peut entendre n'importe où et qui nous émeuvent, nous énervent ou nous amusent.

What Have I Done to Deserve This? Quotes

by blackgoldfish
GEORGE: [narrating] "Karma. One way or another it will leave us to face ourselves. We can look our karma in the eye or we can wait for it to sneak up from behind. But karma will always find us. The truth is, as surgeons, we have more chances than most to set the balance in our favor. Yet no matter how hard we try we can't escape our karma. It follows us home. I guess we can't really complain about our karma. It's not an affair. It's not unexpected. It just... evens the score. And even when we're about to do something that we know will tempt karma to bite us in the ass... well, it goes without saying. We do it anyway." CRISTINA: "George, if you're sick of bad things happening to you, stop putting up with it and demand better."


by blackgoldfish
"As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do." -- Zachary Scott

July 2006


by blackgoldfish

Bash fr

by chawouine & 43 others, 6 comments
Je cite: "BashFR, c'est la super base de données des perles de conversations françaises. Votez pour les meilleures et postez les votres ! Cliquez sur les + ou les - pour voter pour ou contre une quote. Bref, c'est comme mais en français (et en mieux)." Allez voir,lisez et riez ^^ - Your source for inspirational poems, movies, screensavers and more

by 7inspirations publishes award-winning inspirational screensavers and Flash movies along with famous poems, hymns and music for Christian audiences.

June 2006


by blackgoldfish


by 394028 & 1 other
freight, shipping, trucking, freight companies, freightage rates, carriers, direct service, motor shipping companies, trucking industry, transport, truck, ltl shippers, tracking, less than truckload, international volume, rate, quote, export, import

Transportation & Logistics

by aximtech & 1 other is a transportation and logistics directory and marketplace designed to give you all of the reference information about service providers you will ever need, to compare prices with ease and book services online!


by blackgoldfish
「不可叫人小看你年輕,總要在 言語、(姆指) 行為、(食指) 愛心、(中指) 信心、(無名指) 清潔上,(尾指) 都作信徒的榜樣。」 《聖經》提摩太前書 4章 12節

Auto updating inspirational quote box

by douglaswalker
This is a great tool for your blog or website. It is a small auto updating text box which contains an inspirational quote and a small image. Fits easily into sidebars or where ever you want. It is really easy just cut and paste a few lines of code into your template or site code. I have it at my site and my visitors really like the simple messages.


by blackgoldfish
"anfangen ist in jedem Jetzt moglich, das Jetzr ist der Augenblick der Entscheidung." 「每一個"現在"都可以開始,所謂"現在",就是決定的瞬間。」

May 2006

April 2006

before sunrise -- scattered thought.

by blackgoldfish
" at best we’re like these tiny fractions of people, you know, walking...I mean, is that why we’re so scattered? You know, is that why we’re all so specialized?"


by party & 3 others
在地址栏中输入 "quot <股票代号>" 即可搜索该股票代号的信息

March 2006 - C'est pas un blog !

by boveriec & 1 other
Encore un fou... Tu crois qu'un blog doit se terminé par arrête de payer ta facture d'électricité et d'Internet pour rien. C'est de l'énergie gaspillée... Nouveau slogan : Sauvons l'environnement, déconnectons les skybloggeurs. - C'est pas un blog !

by lemondeduweb & 1 other
Encore un fou... Tu crois qu'un blog doit se terminé par arrête de payer ta facture d'électricité et d'Internet pour rien. C'est de l'énergie gaspillée... Nouveau slogan : Sauvons l'environnement, déconnectons les skybloggeurs.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag quote

ahchung +   laziness +   rest +