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Jeeney AI Artificially Intelligent Life Online

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
Jeeney AI is a form of artificial intelligence, a chat bot that has been programmed to dissect the English language carefully in order to discern what is being said to her. The artificial intelligence utilizes bots and subroutines to constantly analyze the data gathered from each individual that has spoken to the chatterbot, because of this, Jeeney's learning process is dependant on several different factors like the amount of people she talks to and what they are interested in, how well they type etc. Unfortunately, unless the ammount of people talking to Jeeney escallates with her accumulating knowledge, the learning process slows down over time. To offeset this slow down, I'm encouraging everybody to tell their friends about Jeeney.


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ai   bot   chat   chatterbot  


the 28/01/2009 at 17:19

the 12/03/2007 at 13:44