August 2006
有什麼軟體比會聲會影這種影編軟體還要專業? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+
具- 高級色彩修正
m2t splitter 1.0
VAIO | アップデートプログラム
sony mpeg2-ts splitter
小寺信良の週刊「Electric Zooma!」
tmpeg editor 2.0 具有hdv 信號處理能力
PSP之家 > PSP新闻
avc 技術研討
July 2006
Freeware Software
ts2mpg tool
May 2006
April 2006
Mobile01-SONY HDR-HC1 敗家現世錄(一)
my article on mobile01
Mobile01-[分享] SONY HDR-HC1實測心得
my article on mobile01
Mobile01-SONY HDR-HC1 敗家現世錄(二)
my article on mobile01
Mobile01-SONY HDR-HC1 敗家現世錄(三)
my article on mobile01
HC1 Exposure Settings
The exposure control on the Sony HDR-HC1 is a really handy adjustment available as a dedicated control on the left side of the camera. When enabled, you have 24 different "notches" that can be chosen in order to alter the aperture and processing being don
Sony Asia Pacific 線上支援
record tape question lag problem
(25 marks)