DLFP: Simpleweb, un CMS ultra-simple sans base de données
Libre Informatique, a développé simpleweb, un CMS sous licence GNU LGPL se voulant ultra-simple tant dans sa mise en place que dans son utilisation, sans base de données et avec un strict minimum de configuration.
Avec simpleweb, le contenu est stocké en xHTML directement dans le système de fichiers, permettant sa manipulation tant par l'interface WYSIWYG en ligne que par FTP ou accès direct aux fichiers si disponibles. Sa navigation interne est générée automatiquement et se personnalise via ses feuilles de style. Les sauvegardes se font le plus naturellement possible en sauvegardant les répertoires de données sur le serveur par le moyen de son choix (FTP, fichiers...).
HTML-Image map Creator WYSIWYG - uses AJAX
by 4 others (via)ever needed to do an image map?!? here it is a simple online image map creator :)
The website works on:
[Linux] Browsers with Gecko-Engine (Mozilla, Netscape 6+, Galeon), Konqueror, Netscape 4, Opera 5, 6 and 7.
[Windows] Gecko-Browsers, IE 4, 5 and 6, Netscape 4, Opera 5, 6 and 7.
[Mac] Safari, Gecko-Browsers, Opera, Netscape 4, partially IE.
This HTML image maps creator is made using: Prototype, JavaScript Vectorgraphics Library, dp.SyntaxHighlighter, YUI Reset CSS, YUI Fonts CSS, Scriptaculous
openWYSIWYG - Open Source Cross-Browser WYSIWYG Editor
by 5 others
openWYSIWYG - Open Source Cross-Browser WYSIWYG Editor
Edition de contenu intégré au navigateur... - Hartym's Web Ground
Edition de contenu intégré au navigateur... - Hartym's Web Ground
WYMeditor - standards-compliant XHTML editor - Home
by 11 others (via)
WYMeditor is a web-based WYSIWYM editor.
WYMeditor's main concept is to leave details of the document's visual layout, and to concentrate on its structure and meaning, while trying to give the user as much comfort as possible (at least as WYSIWYG editors).
WYMeditor has been created to generate perfectly structured XHTML strict code, to conform to the W3C specifications and to facilitate further processing by modern applications.
Wikiwyg - Home
by 7 others
Welcome to the Wikiwyg home page. Wikiwyg is the simple way to add Wysiwyg editing to your existing social software project.
Maquette du mini CMS miniclear
by 2 others (via)
Ce petit CMS n'utilise pas de base de données, juste des fichiers. Grâce à wiki2xhtml, le formatage des pages est simple. Et grâce à XMLHTTPRequest, on peut voir les pages se construire en quasi wysiwyg
Cross-Browser Rich Text Editor
by 12 others (via)
The cross-browser rich-text editor (RTE) is based on the designMode() functionality introduced in Internet Explorer 5, and implemented in Mozilla 1.3+ using the Mozilla Rich Text Editing API. The cross-browser rich-text editor now includes table support (as of 2/10/2005) as well as an option to generate xhtml-compliant code (as of 2/24/2005).
XStandard: free standards-compliant XHTML WYSIWYG editor
by 1 other
XStandard is the leading standards-compliant plug-in WYSIWYG editor for Windows desktop applications and browser-based content management systems (IE/Mozilla/Firefox). The editor generates clean XHTML Strict or 1.1, uses CSS for formatting, and ensures the clean separation of content from presentation. Markup generated by XStandard meets the most demanding accessibility requirements.
Bitflux Editor - The Wysiwyg XML Editor
Bitflux Editor is a browser based Wysiwyg XML Editor – and that changes everything! You can edit now your content semantically and at the same time display it to your users and editors in its final form.
(18 marks)