public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags academic & space

October 2006

Street Media: A Thesis Proposal

by jlesage
Images found in an urban environment and how to evaluate them: a key component of photography, film, photos, visual anthropology.

course outline on space, place, and landscape in contemporary art

by jlesage
You will need to cut and paste URLs into your browser, but there is much here to followup on in terms of bibliography and links.

Teaching Writing in the Space of Blackboard

by jlesage
Since many teachers use Blackboard, this is useful to them in analyzing how students negotiate aspects of that site and its technologies.

course outline on social construction of space

by jlesage
understanding this topic is crucial for folks in the visual arts, especially documentarians

H-Net Review: John C. Ehrhardt on Tourism: Between Place and Performance

by jlesage
For students of documentary, it is useful to conceptualize place, space, locale, and social performance all at the same time.

Martin Irvine, Georgetown University

by jlesage
useful website of communication, culture, and technology professor; many links to courses,lectures, slideshows and essays on art, visual culture, media theory

re-public: re.imagining democracy

by jlesage
e-journal: "process of re-imagining democracy, broadly conceived as referring to the multitude of practices that shape everyday life"; in-depth left essays from an international perspective

September 2006

July 2006

Jennifer Mapes

by jlesage
photographer and geographer studying small towns

timescape syllabus

by jlesage
course outline with interesting links, especially lecture notes: "Since the birth of cinema, architectural and urban space, and ideas of landscape have played a crucial role in the visual representation of space on screen."

Space Time Travel - Relativity Visualized

by jlesage
Online papers, images, movies and paper models of the theory of relativity