public marks


UPEI Takes Action to Ensure Teaching Excellence and Academic Integrity

by bacon & 1 other, 1 comment
In announcing disciplinary action against David Weale, UPEI President Wade MacLauchlan stated, "It is of paramount importance to ensure the highest standard of academic integrity and attention to student welfare for which UPEI is known. The UPEI community has been especially proud of the fact that our professors rank number one in the country for awards."


President MacLauchlan errs: UPEI's professors don't "rank number one in the country for awards" - this figure comes from the Macleans Magazine rankings, which compares UPEI not to every other university in Canada, but to every other university in the same category as UPEI. There's a difference.

McDonna said at 08:36 the 03/04/2007

on this link

david-weale   upei   wade-maclauchlan  


the 05/04/2007 at 08:18

the 02/04/2006 at 21:05