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html5.js > html5-now - Dean Edwards

by tehu, 2 comments

A JavaScript library to support HTML5 in non-compliant browsers

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Add. Bruce Lawson : Dean was showing his new JavaScript library that plugs the holes in browsers’ HTML 5 implementations. If a browser does do something natively, ther library does nothing; otherwise it fills that gap—so now you can have Web Forms with all browsers, canvas in IE. As a bonus, it’s all keyboard accessible, everything looks like native UI controls and it even inherits the native Windows themes. I’m looking forward to helping beta test this baby.


Sortira jamais :D

night.kame said at 12:53 the 30/06/2009

Connaissant le Dean, ça va être terrible. "Javascript will save us all" as said Eric Meyer.

tehu said at 09:56 the 01/07/2009

on this link

html5   javascript   mecano web  


the 29/06/2009 at 14:57