public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from znarf with tags google & google

March 2007

February 2007

January 2007

December 2006

Techcrunch » Uh Oh, Gmail Just Got Perfect

by 1 other (via)
"Google quietly added a small feature to Gmail this week called Mail Fetcher. When that feature launched, Gmail became perfect."

November 2006

Le : La vidéo de Ségolène Royal largement commentée dans la blogosphère

by 2 others
Mais d'après Google France, c'est l'UMP qui aurait acheté ces publicités...

Vidéo de Ségolène Royal : Dailymotion met de l'huile sur le feu

by 1 other
> Pour qui roule Dailymotion ? C'est ce qu'on peut se demander à la vue de la pub Google Adwords affichée ce week-end pour toute requête "ségolène royal vidéo" sur le plus populaire des moteurs de recherche.

October 2006


by 31 others (via)
new experimental search engine from google

September 2006

August 2006 - Filter them and increase your revenue !

by 5 others
AdsBlackList will teach you how to seek, recognize and filter low paying google ads which, in most cases, link to MFA (Made for Adsense) sites AND we will provide you with tools that will help you to substantly increase your AdSense revenue, all for free. Why would you seatle on taking $0.01 when you can boost it over $0.50 per click and double or triple your earnings ?!