public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from znarf with tags development & python




The B-List: JavaScript, ORM and "hiding SQL"


you’re a web developer and it’s your job to know this stuff, so learn it already

having ORM isn't "hiding SQL"

EasyEclipse | Distributions

by 3 others
An EasyEclipse Distribution is a prepackaged release of Eclipse that is fully functional for a specific development environment.

Un seul programme pour plusieurs langages

by 1 other, 2 comments
Aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître, un développeur a réussi à créer un seul programme qui peut tourner avec PHP, Python, Perl, SHELL, C et C++.


Python Cryptography Toolkit

The Python Cryptography Toolkit describes a package containing various cryptographic modules for the Python programming language.

Python on Rails?

by 2 others (via)
The inundation of Ruby on Rails related articles and discussion has finally provoked me to go see what all the hype is about and then to figure out why the damn thing isn't called Python on Rails.