public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from znarf with tag berlin


24h Berlin on The Auteurs

by 3 others
24h Berlin is television's longest programme ever: No actors, no screenplay, no tricks – just real life. A 24-hour documentary, told in real-time, airing September 5th. On that day, in 2008, a story both intimate and exotic began in Berlin, a story told from the perspective of the people. Exactly a year before today's broadcast, 80 camera teams immersed themselves in the lives of Berliners, for 24 hours.

Berlin, le paradis des gouines? - Têtu

by 1 other

Originaire de Nantes, Marine, une graphiste free-lance qui travaille sur un projet de magazine electroni-queer intitulé Un-domesticated confirme. «Vu que tout se passe ici, on ne sort pas souvent de notre cher quartier. (…) Il y a des Allemandes, des Françaises, mais aussi pas mal de Suédoises et d’Italiennes » Miam, miam, miam!