public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tag statistics

June 2006

The Long Tail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by 2 others
The phrase The Long Tail (as a proper noun with capitalized letters) was first coined by Chris Anderson in a 2004 article in Wired magazine [1] to describe certain business and economic models such as or Netflix. The term long tail is also gene

May 2006

The Truth Laid Bear

NZ Bear's Ecosystem is the hub of the blogosphere. This is a comprehensive who's who, a list of the members of the club. This is the community.

Qurl | Making long urls shorter!

Shorten long urls to make them manageable. To track where & when a user clicks on your link. To hide your affiliate code. Your own RSS Feed Online

by 1 other
Create and manage and update your feed online for anywhere. Choice of publishing your feed on your own server or ours.

April 2006

CNMchart: Flash bargraph

This is an example of a multipurpose bar chart written with Flash MX. It can be used to simply create a personalized bar chart, graphically displaying 'positive numbers' with any number of individual entries, to help make the information more assessable t

Big in Japan: Web 2.0 Toolbox

by 3 others
Loom large with our simple toolkit. Host and create podcasts in a whole new way, manage multiple feeds, make your URL's work harder, keep your reading lists safe, make your feeds available via mail, IM & SMS, convert email into RSS and much, much more. Mix it up. Mash it up. You, too, can be big in Japan.

Montastic: the free website monitoring service

by 8 others
With Montastic, you monitor all your websites and watch them change color as they go up or down.

by 11 others is the solution to RSS bandwidth over usage! It acts as an intelligent caching system between the readers and the Web sites’ feeds.

ClustrMaps - Hit counter map shows locations of all visitors to your site - free

by 5 others
See at a glance where your site's visitors are located: instantaneously, even when the numbers are enormous! Visitors don't need to click on anything: just viewing your page is sufficient. Thumbnail addon.

WOW! Digg List Buzz: Stats

In less than 5 hours I have my stats have shooted up to over 850! no, 954 just now! Look:

March 2006

prefuse: an interactive visualization toolkit

for building highly interactive visualizations of structured and unstructured data.