public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tag language

June 2009

Welcome | Wordnik

* An example sentence—even if we've only found one sentence for a word, we'll show it to you. (And we'll show you where the sentence came from, too! * Related words: not just synonyms and antonyms, but words that are used in the same contexts. (For instance, cheeseburger, milkshake, and doughnut are not synonyms, but they show up in the same kinds of sentences.) * Images tagged by our friends at Flickr: want to know what a "pout" looks like? We'll show you. * Statistics: how rare is "tintinnabulation"? Well, we think you'll see it only about once a year. "Smile"? You might see that word Our goal is to show you as much information as possible many times, every day. * An audio pronunciation—and you can record your own! * Something YOU tell us! Use the "Contribute" links to tell us something—anything—about a word.

Free Website Translation and Online Free Translator

by 2 others
free translation tool that anybody can implement on his website in order to give those who stumble upon it a chance to read it in their own languages. More than 40 different languages are actually supported, and these even include simplified and traditional Chinese along with Greek and Russian.

Mloovi RSS Blog Translator (MT)

by 2 others
Thanks to recent developments over at Planet Google, we now offer 43 languages. The revised list is… Albanian Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Farsi (Persian, ‘Iranian’) Filipino Finnish French Galician German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Maltese Norwegian Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese

BabelWith.Me - Create a Conversation

by 5 others
Chat avec un traducteur live intégré! support actuellement 45 langues.

Google Translator Toolkit

by 1 other
* Upload Word documents, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML, text, Wikipedia articles and knols. * Use previous human translations and machine translation to 'pretranslate' your uploaded documents. * Use our simple WYSIWYG editor to improve the pretranslation. * Invite others (by email) to edit or view your translations. * Edit documents online with whomever you choose. * Download documents to your desktop in their native formats --- Word, OpenOffice, RTF or HTML. * Publish your Wikipedia and knol translations back to Wikipedia or Knol.

May 2009

FREELANG - Dictionnaire gratuit Iranien-Français et Français-Iranien

Le dictionnaire Freelang vous permet de parcourir les listes Iranien-Français et Français-Iranien. Vous pouvez rechercher un mot, ajouter vos propres traductions, modifier ou supprimer des entrées existantes, et apprendre du vocabulaire à partir de listes personnelles d'apprentissage. Pour une liste complète des fonctionnalités, cliquez ici ou ouvrez le menu Aide du programme. Annotated link - Parle Comme Moi !

apprenez une langue avec des tuteurs du monde entier !

April 2009

Lua 5.1 Reference Manual - contents

The reference manual is the official definition of the Lua language.

Annotated link

March 2009

September 2008

Context Free Art

CFDG is a simple language for generating stunning images. With only a few lines you can describe abstract art, beautiful organic scenery, and many kinds of fractals. It's highly addictive!

PanImages : Cross-Lingual Image Search

by 4 others
Search Google Images and Flickr in 100's of languages using automatic query translation.

May 2008

Synomizer! - Make the Difference

Supports word and a unique text analysis in five languages.

April 2008

Webnary - Online Word Translator

Possible to create word links. English Spanish Japanese Gree Hebrew Danish Korean Arabic German Chinese Italian Hungarian Dutch Portuguese Polish Czech Slovenian French Swedish Turkish

December 2007

November 2007