public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tag japanese

26 March 2006 00:00

Japanese Character Recognition Using Ajax ● ● ●

An interesting concept, it's a learning machine, the character database grows as the application is used.

25 March 2006 23:00

The Kanji SITE - A guide for students of Japanese Kanji

by 2 others
The left-hand side gives lists of kanji, or compounds made from more than one kanji. If you're having difficulty remembering a character's reading, you can reveal it by moving your mouse cursor over the kanji.

Animated Japanese Kanjis and Tools

by 1 other
Resource to Japanese online tools, animated kanji strokes, unicode converter

25 March 2006 20:00

Excite エキサイト

by 1 other
Japanese excite: mail, blog, translator and search engine

Java Kanji Flashcards 500

by 1 other
The Java Kanji Flashcard 500 project is designed to help students of written Japanese learn the 500 most commonly occuring Chinese characters, or kanji. This Java applet displays Japanese in any browser that supports Java 1.0. You do not need a Japanese browser or operating system to study these kanji.

25 March 2006 19:00

Java Kanji Flashcards 500

Each kanji character is displayed on a "card" containing a large kanji character, its on and kun readings, an English meaning, and a stroke order animation. You can also download the HTML version for printing.

Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary - Gateway

Welcome to Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary Server. This is merely the gateway to the main dictionary page.

The Kanji SITE - A guide for students of Japanese Kanji

by 1 other
The left-hand side gives lists of kanji, or compounds made from more than one kanji. If you're having difficulty remembering a character's reading, you can reveal it by moving your mouse cursor over the kanji.

25 March 2006 15:00

Genki Kanji

Strok order movies for Hiragana, Katakana and Kanjis (QuikTime), Flash drang and drop exercises for Hiragana or Katakana and PDF

25 March 2006 11:00


Twistermc's Feed Subscription Button Maker - RSS Buttons in japanese

25 March 2006 10:00


The Blog woth generator in japanese

25 March 2006 09:00

Japanese Characters: Kaomoji (Face Mark)

Kaomoji, Japanese Face Marks (smily) become so popular among Japanese, that most front-end processors (including MS-IME) provide special dictionary for Face Marks. Using Japanese Characters and Symbols, there are a lot of variations.

Reading Tutor - Toolbox

Input some Japanese text into the form and get a page with clickable words that show readings and English in another frame.

25 March 2006 08:00

Jim Breen's WWWJDIC

by 2 others
The best online japanese dictionary