public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tags idea & tools



by 1 other
Automatically create and share diagrams by writing sentences!

Voice on the Go Inc.

6$/month - Handfree access to online webapps. Provides mobile subscribers with access to email, SMS, calendar, contacts, Twitter, Facebook and more…without typing, by voice at any time on any mobile device Subscribers can listen to, compose, reply and forward their email all by voice – hands-free and eyes-free safely while driving, or any other time. Currently, 50 countries .available in a number of languages including English (US


Software Calculated to Drive You Mad

We at Leonard Labs want to help the developer community. Why? So that we can gain their trust and then trick them into using our proprietary technology. Just kidding. With one exception, the programs here are all licensed under either an OSI-approved lice

Would this list ? Basically there have been multiple url's I've bookmarked that are the same except the querystring info is different, like different zip code or different search query.{Search Query}&zip

SIMILE Project

by 10 others
SIMILE is focused on developing robust, open source tools that empower users to access, manage, visualize and reuse digital assets. Annotated link