Queriac. All our quicksearches are belong to us.
Queriac allows you to manage your quicksearches, shortcuts, and bookmarklets by taking them out of your browser profile and onto the web, making them portable, taggable, shareable, and generally easier to manage. Drawing from the concept of Yubnub and extending it in the spirit of del.icio.us, Queriac effectively turns your browser's address bar into a flexible command line.
fefoo search
by 1 otherUsing commands you can target any of the 40 categories or 250 search engines from the search bar. You can also view the complete list of commands here. You can also use the commands on the homepage or from the search box on your browser. Commands work best when used from the search box of your browser. To add it to your browser follow these instructions. To use a command : (colon) is used. To search for images use the following command. This will search for "images" of clouds. This way you can end up targeting any of the 40 categories supported by fefoo. :images clouds
Like yubnub
RubyURL » Keep it short (and sweet)
ubiquity command here
Dozomo let's you reach 199 search engines, dictionaries, maps -- virtually any web service -- from one place. Dozomo sends you directly to the result page of the things you're looking for.
(9 marks)