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PUBLIC MARKS from vacelts with tags music & "Brooke White"

May 2008

David Cook Wins it All, Named 2008 American Idol

Welcome to the two-hour Fox promo machine - I mean, the season finale of American Idol. And believe it or not among all the stars, a new star was crowned in what had to be one of the closest finales in seven seasons.

Paula Deemed Safe, Brooke Sent Packing as Idol Dwindles to 4

While the fate of one of the Top 5 hung in the balance of this American Idol results show, Ryan felt the need to reassure us that Paula’s status as a judge is secure despite her mishap in the bizarre judging format on Tuesday night.

April 2008

Cook finds a Hit Among Diamond’s Offerings on Idol

Tonight Neil Diamond offered the Top 5 American Idol contestants variety with songs from some 25 albums to choose from. In fact, the contenders each got to select two Diamond songs, but did they make the right selection?

Even Webber Couldn’t Save Carly Smithson on Idol

Popularity won out over talent as the results of the American Idol Top 6 sent the Irish rose Carly Smithson home after Tuesday’s solid performance of “Jesus Christ Superstar.”

Who Could Actually Win American Idol?

Well the Top 12 have been halved on American Idol and the end is near. But are we any closer to knowing who will be crowned the Season 7 Idol?

Kristy Lee Tells Simon What She Thinks on Idol

It was a bad night for Kristy Lee Cook. Not only was her number finally up on American Idol as she was eliminated from the Top 7, but now she can’t even buy her back the beloved barrel horse that she sold to get to her audition.

David Cook Rocks Mariah Carey on Idol

A diva known for her power ballads mentored the Top 7 on American Idol tonight. What can we expect from Mariah Carey’s efforts - second-rate versions of her hits or just karaoke hell?

Shocking Exit Tarnishes Give Back Vibe on American Idol

The American Idol Elite 8 results show started like a second part to Wednesday’s “Idol Give Back,” but finished with an elimination that left the audience shocked.

Elite 8 Inspire on American Idol

Tonight’s American Idol was more about preparing the audience for “Idol Gives Back” with each of the Elite 8 singing their favorite inspirational song. But will the performances inspire voters?

Ramiele Finally Goes Home, American Idol Down to Elite 8

Tonight American Idol did what my husband calls “trimming the fat” (and no he’s not referring to anyone’s weight). The bottom pair have been hanging on for weeks and it was time for one of them to go.

March 2008

American Idol Top 10 Theme was Flawed

Tonight on American Idol the Top 10 contenders got to choose songs from the year they were born. Besides making me feel old with only one contestant sharing the same birth decade with me, I had to wonder if the contenders could really maximize on the cool theme.

Will Guest Mentors Nuture a Star Among Idol Contenders?

Finally, American Idol announced the Season 7 guest mentors on the Top 11 results show. Expect to see Dolly Parton, Mariah Carey, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Neil Diamond mixing it up with the Top 10 over the next few weeks.

American Idol Lennon-McCartney Night Part Deux

Tonight the Top 11 celebrated The Beatles - again - on American Idol with even more songs from John Lennon and Paul McCartney - and one by George Harrison. But who would stand out this week?

David H. Says Goodbye on Idol Top 12 Results

Welcome to the Horton Hears a Who version of American Idol, also known as 55 minutes of fluff for a five-minute decision. And amongst all the brouhaha, we learned the results from the Top 12 performances.

Chikeze Steps it Up on Idol Lennon-McCarthy Night

American Idol is down to its Top 12 and the competition just heated up with performances of songs from the John Lennon and Paul McCartney Library. But can the Top 12 handle the pressure?

February 2008

How to Survive ‘American Idol’ Hollywood Week

Tonight I got my first exposure to American Idol’s Hollywood Week, or as Ryan Seacrest called it - Hell Week. And I quickly learned which things will knock you out of the running for the Top 24. Here is the Top 5 Things Not to Do During Hollywood Week if you hope to advance.