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PUBLIC MARKS from vacelts with tags "Top 3" & "Paula Abdul"

May 2009

Emotion Idol Results Show Sets Up a ‘Ding Dong’ Finale

A close race and visits home make the Top 3 American Idol results show a very emotional one. And with only a million votes separating the Final 2, you can bet that next week’s finale will be an exciting one.

Idol’s Top 3 Pick Better Songs Than Judges, But Who Sang the Best?

American Idol is down to its Top 3 and for its 300th episode each of the guys had to sing two songs – a choice of their own and one chosen by one of the judges. Hands down, the guys picked better songs than the judges. But between the guys, the competition is going to be close.

May 2008

The Davids to Battle it Out in Idol Final

And then there were two. In a very predictable finish to the American Idol Top 3, Syesha Mercado is eliminated leaving David Cook and David Archuleta to vie for the title next week.

Idol Top 3 Fail to Wow with Lackluster Performances

American Idol is down to its Top 3 contenders and the contest should be heating up, but the competition tonight was uninspired and predictable. With three songs a piece, did any of the contestants really stand out?