public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from vacelts with tag "Scooby Doo"

October 2008

Sick Day Movies

My twins are sick today so we are hosting our own mini Scooby Doo marathon. Scooby Doo has the most movies they can agree on. What is your favorite sick day movie(s)?

The Halloween Monsters I Created

To help get my three-year-old twins in the mood for Halloween, I got a couple holiday CDs to listen to in the car on the way to school and other activities. But they have become obsessed with these CDs. If they aren’t in the car when we get ready to leave, they beg me to go get them before we drive away. If we take Daddy’s car that day, they remind me to get the CDs out of my car. And they want to listen to the CDs over and over and over again. I have listened to the same two CDs for two weeks straight. I have created Halloween Music Monsters! But their obsession is nothing compared to their reactions to the songs. They definitely have their favorites. Here’s what’s topping their list:

July 2007

Are Scooby Doo cases too weird to be real?

Have you ever watched an episode of Scooby Doo and say nobody’d fall for that? Or think ‘where do they come up with these goofy plans?’ Well sometimes real live is weirder than Scooby Doo.