public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tsalon with tag internet

23 November 2004

22 November 2004


國 內 網民 正 在 利 用 網 絡 媒 體的 非 中 心 性 、 個 人 自發 、 難 以 受 管 理 、 高速 等 特 點 , 努力 實 現言 論 自 由 與 民 主 , 與其 他 國 家 看 齊

20 November 2004

The Niu Niu Incident

The peoples' power at work. The official in question finally got into trouble, but hasn't lost his job yet.

18 November 2004

17 November 2004

09 November 2004

獨立媒體 (香港) :: 另類媒體與價值(之三)

head of talks about political control of radio waves in hong kong and the goals of his station

30 October 2004


Hi-radio's experience of internet censorship

29 October 2004

28 October 2004

Pacific Epoch - M&A Rumors: Sina, Yahoo!, Netease, Shanda, Tencent

Sina's influence in China's online media is similar to that of CCTV, so the Chinese government could not allow Sina to come under foreign control.

27 October 2004

China Herald: Internet Radio in Shanghai for Chinese Lesbians

quoting from a FEER article. the site now claiming about 30,000 visitors from all over China. even have users in Tibet. site not censored yet.

23 October 2004

22 October 2004

20 October 2004

18 October 2004

17 October 2004

16 October 2004

Indymedia Solidarity Petition

in Support of the Indymedia Network and Against the Seizure of its Servers