public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag sourceforge

19 July 2007 03:45


Description: 3D-Desktop is an OpenGL program for switching virtual desktops in a seamless 3-dimensional manner on Linux. The current desktop is mapped into a fullscreen 3D environment where you may choose other screens. Several different visualization modes are available.

18 July 2007 01:15

13 July 2007 15:30

fluxbox sourceforge documentation

Fluxbox documentation Fluxbox documentation is maintained in DocBook format which makes it easy to convert it to a plethora of formats. If you don't have the DocBook tools, we provide a selection of formats for your convenience. If you'd prefer something we don't have here, let me know.

25 June 2007 15:45

clonezilla sourceforge

by 3 others
1. Copyright This copyright is preserved for the author and publisher. Anyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document under the terms of the GNU FDL Free Documentation License. If you do make any distribution and modification on the documents, please add your name in the author list. We recommend this document principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. The author and publisher will not take any responsibility if there is any damage caused by this document

25 June 2007 14:00

fluxbox sourceforge download

The latest stable release is v1.0rc3. More information on the development up to this version can be found here.

fluxbox sourceforge

What is FluxBox Fluxbox Fluxbox © is yet another windowmanager for X. It's based on the Blackbox 0.61.1 code. Fluxbox looks like blackbox and handles styles, colors, window placement and similar thing exactly like blackbox (100% theme/style compability). So what's the difference between fluxbox and blackbox then? The answer is: LOTS! Here is a list of features that fluxbox already has, or is in the works...

14 June 2007 02:30

kaffeine sourceforge

by 1 other
Kaffeine is a full featured Multimedia-Player for KDE. By default it uses xine as backend. Kaffeine is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence.

13 June 2007 16:15

gparted sourceforge livecd

by 5 others
LiveCD The power and simplicity of GParted on a biz-card size LiveCD. The CD aims to be fast, small in size (~50mb), and use minimal resources to get that disk partitioned the way you want it. GParted LiveCD uses Xorg, the lightweight Fluxbox window manager, and the latest 2.6 Linux Kernel.

11 June 2007 02:45

LiveCD Download.

LiveCD ISO Image. This is our last FreeBSD LiveCD ISO Image. It's a fully functional FreeBSD 4.6 Repair CD with lots of recovering and diagnosing tools. The full application's list can be found here. The ISO image can be found at: LiveCD Tool Set This is the main tool to create your own LiveCD. At the present time, English and Portuguese languages are available. It will always be found at:

06 June 2007 19:45

instlux sourceforge

by 1 other
There is place for everyone! Dear Windows user, find your place in the Linux world by upgrading your windows to a Linux system the easiest possible way: running an installer on your Windows. Do not worry any more about configuring your system to boot from a CDROM/DVDROM. Choose the linux of your choice and the media source (from a CDROM or directly from Internet). Download instlux and start migrating your systems to Linux.

31 May 2007 14:00

29 May 2007 04:45

PeaZip 1.6 Linux GTK2

PeaZip 1.6 Linux standalone version. Not requires installation, can run from removable devices like USB sticks. PeaZip is a portable installer supporting many archive formats (7z, zip, tar, paq, rar, cab, arj...) and featuring advanced encryption, integrity test, volume spanning and inclusion/exclusion filtering features. see application's details and FAQ on other downloads available on Unpack the .tar.gz and place the program's directory in the path you prefer; to launch the program start peazip binary. If unresolved dependencies are found, please follow the instructions of your software installer manager to get the needed libraries. From: giorgiotani

18 May 2007 00:15

05 March 2007 11:30

05 March 2007 10:30

mediacoder sourceforge

by 14 others
MediaCoder is a FREE universal audio/video batch transcoder distributed under GPL license, which puts together lots of excellent audio/video codecs and tools from the open source community into an all-in-one solution, capable of transcoding among different audio/video formats. With many extra features and a expandable architecture, MediaCoder is more than a GUI of a bunch of command line tools.

03 March 2007 22:30

28 February 2007 01:30

28 February 2007 01:00

14 November 2006 05:00 Project details for Zimbra Collaboration Suite

About: Zimbra is a server and client technology for next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration (email, group calendar, contacts, etc). It features a browser-based AJAX client with search, shared calendar, and mail that is integrated with contacts and calendar, and support for Outlook, iCal,, contacts, and offline mode. Administrators benefit from online move, back-up, and recovery of individual or groups of mailboxes, compatibility with existing LDAP directories., native hierarchical storage management and clustering, Web services integration with existing enterprise applications, and integrated anti-spam and anti-virus