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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags multimedia & "audio video"


Medibuntu -- Details of release lucid

Binary packages available in lucid * * aacgain * aacplusenc * acroread-fonts * alsa-firmware * app-install-data-medibuntu * apport-hooks-medibuntu * gizmo5 * googleearth-data * googleearth * hot-babe * ices * libavcodec-extra-52 * libavcodec-unstripped-52 * libavdevice-extra-52 * libavdevice-unstripped-52 * libavfilter-extra-0 * libavfilter-unstripped-0 * libavformat-extra-52 * libavformat-unstripped-52 * libavutil-extra-49 * libavutil-unstripped-49 * libdvdcss2 * libdvdcss-dev * libpostproc-extra-51 * libpostproc-unstripped-51 * libswscale-extra-0 * libswscale-unstripped-0 * medibuntu-keyring * mencoder * mplayer-dbg * mplayer-doc * mplayer-gui * mplayer * mplayer-nogui * non-free-codecs * realplayer * rmconverter * w32codecs * w64codecs Last update: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 04:26:43 0200 To report a problem with the web site, please file a bug on Launchpad. For other contact information, see the Medibuntu contact page.

Repositórios Medibuntu para o Ubuntu Lucid Lynx | Ubuntued

Repositórios Medibuntu para o Ubuntu Lucid Lynx * Autor: Cláudio Novais em Dicas * 3 Comment Existem muitas bibliotecas e aplicações que estão patenteadas tornando-as, em certos países, não livres. Como o Ubuntu é um sistema operativo livre e quer ser globalmente utilizado, não pode usar essas bibliotecas por padrão pois, caso isso acontecesse iria ficar ilegal em certos países. Assim, e visto que o Ubuntu não contém algumas bibliotecas muito importantes, foi criado um repositório que disponibiliza todos esses conteúdos de forma simples: o Medibuntu. Este repositório é utilizado para obter codecs multimédia para reprodução de certos formatos de som e vídeo e aplicações muito conhecidas nomeadamente o Adobe Reader, Google Earth e o Skype. A lista de pacotes deste repositórios é vasta e, por isso, se se quiser saber mais informações de que pacotes estão disponíveis no repositório Medibuntu, visite esta página:


kdekorte - Gnome MPlayer

GNOME MPlayer is a simple GUI for MPlayer. It is intended to be a nice tight player and provide a simple and clean interface to MPlayer. GNOME MPlayer has a rich API that is exposed via DBus. Using DBus you can control a single or multiple instances of GNOME MPlayer from a single command. The player can be used to play media on websites when used with Gecko Mediaplayer Gnome MPlayer is not highly dependent on the Gnome libraries, the look and feel of the application is based on the Gnome HIG. The main dependency is on GTK2, GLIB2 and DBUS. Browser Integration To set GNOME MPlayer as the default player for mms and rtsp protocols in Mozilla/Firefox add this to your prefs.js file user_pref("", "/usr/bin/gnome-mplayer"); user_pref("", "/usr/bin/gnome-mplayer"); Or open the "about:config" location and create new string settings with the above values. gnome-mplayer in playlist mode, with several ogg and mp3 files loaded.


Apple - iPhone

by 12 others
Features * Revolutionary Phone * Widescreen iPod * Breakthrough Internet Device * High Technology

Audacity: Linux/Unix

Linux/Unix A maneira mais simples de instalar o Audacity no seu sistema Linux ou Unix é copiar uma versão compilada para o seu sistema: * Alt Linux * Debian * Gentoo * Mandriva i586 and Mandriva x86_64 * PLD Linux * Red Hat / Fedora Core o Fedora Extras o Planet CCRMA * SuSE Linux * Ubuntu Linux

Lame MP3 Encoder Binaries

These files are in the Zip format. Either one should automatically extract if you download it with Safari, or if you double-click it in the Finder.

Audacity: Windows

by 2 others
Windows Componentes recomendados Clicando em um dos links abaixo você será levado à página do onde é feita a cópia. O download deve começar em alguns segundos e pode ter problemas se você utilizar um gerenciador de download. * Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista: Instalador do Audacity 1.2.6 (Arquivo executável, 2,1 MB) - A versão mais recente do Audacity.


Fluendo is a company specialized in delivering products and consulting services for Unix and Linux multimedia. Our flagship product is our streaming media server, Flumotion. We support the development of the GStreamer multimedia framework, which is emerging as the standard media framework on Unix and Linux platforms. (more)

d y n e . o r g :: software : FreeJ

by 1 other (via)
FreeJ is a vision mixer: an instrument for realtime video manipulation used in the fields of dance teather, veejaying, medical visualisation and TV. Project details for FreeJ

About: FreeJ is a vision mixer: an instrument for realtime video manipulation used in the fields of dance and theater performance, veejaying, medical visualization, and TV. With FreeJ, multiple layers can be filtered through effect chains and then mixed together. The supported layer inputs are images, movies, live cameras, particle generators, text scrollers, and more. The resulting video mix can be shown on multiple and remote Project details for xine

xine is a free multimedia player. It plays back CDs, DVDs, and VCDs. It also decodes multimedia files like AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP3 from local disk drives, and displays multimedia streamed over the Internet. It interprets many of the most common multimedia formats available--and some of the most uncommon formats, too. All those features come in a reusable library (xine-lib) which can easily be embedded in your applications