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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags mp3 & "windows linux"

22 October 2007 13:00

Audacity Download

Audacity é um editor de áudio que pode gravar, reproduzir e importar/exportar sons nos formatos WAV, AIFF, MP3 e OGG. Edite suas músicas usando cortes, copie e cole recursos (com funcionalidades de desfazer/refazer ilimitadas), mixe faixas ou aplique efeitos na gravação — tudo com muita "audacidade"!

22 October 2007 12:00

Lame MP3 Encoder Binaries

These files are in the Zip format. Either one should automatically extract if you download it with Safari, or if you double-click it in the Finder.

22 October 2007 11:45

Audacity: Como copiar e instalar o Lame MP3 encoder?

Como copiar e instalar o Lame MP3 encoder? # When you have finished downloading the ZIP folder, unzip it and save the file lame_enc.dll that it contains to anywhere on your computer. # The first time you use the "Export as MP3" command, Audacity will ask you where lame_enc.dll is saved. # In case of difficulty, please view our more detailed instructions at the Audacity Wiki.